Daily Devotional for February 13, 2012

Romans 3:1-6
So what difference does it make who's a Jew and who isn't, who has been trained in God's ways and who hasn't? As it turns out, it makes a lot of difference—but not the difference so many have assumed. First, there's the matter of being put in charge of writing down and caring for God's revelation, these Holy Scriptures.

So, what if, in the course of doing that, some of those Jews abandoned their post? God didn't abandon them. Do you think their faithlessness cancels out his faithfulness? Not on your life! Depend on it: God keeps his word even when the whole world is lying through its teeth. Scripture says the same: Your words stand fast and true; rejection doesn't faze you.

But if our wrongdoing only underlines and confirms God's rightdoing, shouldn't we be commended for helping out? Since our bad words don't even make a dent in his good words, isn't it wrong of God to back us to the wall and hold us to our word? These questions come up. The answer to such questions is no, a most emphatic No! How else would things ever get straightened out if God didn't do the straightening?

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Have you ever been “stood up”? Has someone ever told you they would call you, stop by and see you, or help you with something… then they either called and said they weren’t available – or you never heard from them at all? It stinks, doesn’t it? And honestly, don’t you know people who seldom – if ever – keep their word? I have said of more than one such person… “If their lips are moving, they are probably lying.” That’s a pretty sad commentary, isn’t it?

You may also know people who profess to be Christians… but they take great license with their salvation. It’s as if they feel that because they are saved by the blood of Jesus, they have a free ticket to do as they please without fear of any consequences. Clearly, this passage shows us that God is not happy by our assumptions. GOD’s words matter… OUR words matter… and so do the actions we put behind them!

God would never think of going back on His word… and neither should we! We should never “abandon our post” and dishonor Him by interpreting scripture to suit our own purposes…taking our salvation for granted… or speaking “bad words” to others. As Disciples of Christ, we are called to honor His sacrifice by speaking words that are true, hopeful, positive, kind, and reliable. When we say we will do something, we should do it. When we promise to call or help someone, we must follow through and show up. We must remember WHOSE we are – and what it cost for us to become heirs to His throne… and we must behave honorably even when all around us seem to have lost their heads!

There will be times when we become discouraged. We will feel that God’s promises of blessings, good health and prosperity must be meant for someone else. We will have struggles, challenges, and disappointments… and the natural tendency will be to blame God – or at least complain to Him loudly. We will be tempted to throw up our hands and ask, “What’s the point?” The short answer is that every word from God is true, whether it lines up with physical fact or not. We can’t always see what God is doing in our lives… so we live in faith that He is really at work in us.

Don’t become discouraged. Work hard to be more like Jesus every day. Make your word your bond… and believe that God’s word is infallible. Honor your commitments… to God and to others. In my notes, I have written… “You can’t expect things to come if you don’t call them. Call healing when you are sick… call prosperity when you are poor… call light when there is darkness. Keep asking… seeking… calling until it comes. Get violent (intense) faith.” What are you speaking today? Are your words your bond… or are you merely offering lip service - to God and others? Do you believe what God is speaking over your life? Can others believe your words, as well? What is God saying to you this day… and how will you respond?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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