Daily Devotional for February 17, 2012

Romans 7:21-23
It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

You know me and my “reality TV” hobby… I was watching a show called “My 600-lb. Life” on TLC, and this morbidly obese man, Henry, had gastric bypass surgery. Initially weighing in at 715 lbs., Henry ultimately lost 500 pounds over the course of five years. Some of this came in the form of cosmetic surgery to remove excessive skin… but most was a result of eating less and burning body fat. However, this was a very difficult journey for Henry, as it is for so many… in large part because of the temptations that surrounded him.

Henry’s family continued to eat all the wrong things – in excessive quantities – directly in front of him. Once, when he returned home after a month in the hospital for “skin” surgery, his sister said something to the effect of… “We’ve got to stop and get Momma something to eat on the way home. She said she was hungry and not to come home without a sandwich or something.” The next scene was all of Henry’s family, chowing down on burgers, fries and more, while he looked on pitifully. He admitted that sometimes he wanted to throw up his hands and just go back to eating. The man who had overcome so much… lost at least two persons in body weight… acquired an entirely new, much smaller wardrobe – even down to underwear, socks and shoes… and rekindled his relationship with the love of his life… still wanted to eat whatever and whenever he pleased.

Surely this passage has it right… there are times when parts of us covertly rebel and take charge. And like Henry, this is when we have to stand up and leave the room or do whatever it takes to strengthen our resolve to stay on course. This is when we truly have to “speak of things that be not as though they are!” We must use our mouth to call on God to rescue us… and we must do so with confidence that He will do exactly this!

The point is that life is hard… there are always going to be challenges, and Satan is NEVER going away. The minute we think we have it all together is the very moment he will show up full force to try to derail us. We must speak against anything that comes between us and living in God’s will. We must declare that we will not give in – or fold up. We will persevere by the strength of God Almighty, and we will come out on top. You may only have 5 pounds you wish to lose, but temptations still abound. You may have a “habit” you are trying to kick, and temptations keep trying to reel you back in.

You may be working toward a goal, like a college degree, training for a job promotion, or just getting your life on track in general… and roadblocks may keep appearing. Don’t give up! Keep on working toward whatever God is trying to give you. Call on Him to help you – and declare that you know He is going to deliver!

We know that when we get on track, challenges are going to show up almost like clockwork. By God’s grace, we are bigger than those challenges… and we have His full force behind us. Tell whatever part of you that is listening to Satan to get on board or move over, because you are committed to God, and He will not allow you to fail! This is great news! This is worthy of a shout! Praise God… with Him all things are possible… with God, we cannot be defeated!

©2012 Debbie Robus

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