Daily Devotional for September 11, 2014

Titus 3:5
He saved us because
    of his mercy,
and not because
of any good things
    that we have done.

God washed us by the power
    of the Holy Spirit.
He gave us new birth
    and a fresh beginning.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“That which tears open our souls, those holes that splatter our sight, may actually become the thin, open places to see through the mess of this place to the heart-aching beauty beyond.  To Him.  To the God whom we endlessly crave.” – Ann Voskamp ~ One Thousand Gifts*

Today, we remember the horror and heartache of a tragic event that occurred thirteen years ago. It’s probably safe to say that all of our lives were altered forever in some way because of what happened in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC, during those early morning hours of September 11, 2001. Through a series of events that can only be explained as a “God thing,” I became friends with a woman in Massapequa, New York, whose husband, Keith Glascoe, perished that day while serving as a firefighter for Ladder Co. 21 of the Fire Department New York (FDNY).  Veronica Glascoe Squef was the mother of two boys, 2-year-old Nolan and 1-year-old Owen. Baby Keith was, as she puts it, “a little peanut in my belly.”  He would enter this world in April 2002.

If you are old enough to remember “9-11”, you recall how incredibly “dirty” everything was. Not only were lives lost...they were buried beneath tons of dust and rubble. The bodies of many – including Keith Glascoe - were never recovered. Rescue crews dug for days...cleanup teams worked for months and years...and we all wondered if the area was ever going to be “presentable” again. Would we ever “see through the mess of this place” to heart-aching beauty beyond?  Would we ever find God in this tragedy?  Would He be able to truly restore us and decontaminate our hearts from this event?

Last week, Veronica posted a photo of her boys on their first day back to school...Nolan now a high school junior; Owen beginning high school as a freshman; and Keith starting to middle school. All three boys are healthy, thriving, and always smiling. Veronica posted a tribute to Keith on her Facebook wall that said in part...” We love you, we miss you, we think of you every day, and we will never forget.”

It is important that we remember what happened...that we are vulnerable... and yes, that bad things can – and will – happen.  But more importantly, we must focus on the incredible grace, mercy and cleansing power of God Almighty.  We must recognize His presence in the form of the Holy Spirit...guiding us and “cleaning up the mess” so that we can see the beauty beyond – because it does exist!

God did not leave us on September 11, 2001...He has not left us today. Whatever you are facing...wherever you are “sifting through rubble and debris” and wondering if your life will ever be neat and tidy again...know that God is with you. He is doing the heavy lifting...the Holy Spirit can mend your broken heart and strengthen you for the days to come...and the beauty of a brighter day lies just beyond the “window” of your present struggle. Veronica Squef and countless others understand the concept of “heart-aching beauty beyond”.  They face it every day in the smiles of children left behind...of putting one foot in front of the other and rebuilding their lives – different, but filled with potential.

What God does – and has done – for those who suffer so much as a result of the events of 9-11, He will surely do for each of us. His desire is to wash away whatever keeps us from a deep, abiding relationship with Him and a continual communion with the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter who you are...where you are...what you have – or don’t...or what you have or haven’t done...God wants to do this for you. You may not realize it, but God’s presence and grace may truly be “the very thing that you endlessly crave.”  Are you ready to find out? Will this be the day that you turn to Him and begin to trust in His cleansing power?  Don’t you think it should?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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