Daily Devotional for September 8, 2014

Romans 14:1
Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

The first thing that came to mind for me when I read this passage was an image of someone with road rage, gesturing wildly at fellow drivers...while sporting a Christian fish magnet on their tailgate and a bumper sticker that advertised their church or said “Smile...God loves you!”  Makes you a little crazy...doesn’t it?!  I’m continually amazed at the “Christians” who get so heated up over one political camp or another...particularly those who stoop to name calling and other “unlovely” acts.  I’ll admit, I find it hard to welcome them with open arms when they spew venom on Facebook in a post...and then two posts later talk about the upcoming services at their church or how much God has blessed them – or worse, yet, talk about how God blesses a particular group or those who think/feel a certain way.

We don’t get to pick and choose, people!  This is not OUR universe! Moreover, our snap judgments about others have unending ramifications.  Your criticism of a certain group of people may include the son or daughter of your best friend - or that person who sits next to you on the pew every Sunday morning.  When you cluck your tongue about people on welfare, parents who don’t control their kids’ behavior, or the son or daughter who neglects his/her elderly loved ones, you are essentially “writing checks you can’t cash”! 

When you declare that others are not serving in the church as much as they should or sharing their Christian faith with others enough – or in the right manner – you are operating in self-righteousness.  Most likely, you don’t have all the facts.  You don’t know what the other guy has endured or what his/her life entails.  You might not know “the rest of the story”.  There is a very good chance that the other person is playing his/her cards pretty close to the vest and not confiding in the whole world...and neither are YOU, quite frankly!  Few of us “air our dirty laundry” to the world, so to speak.

Does this mean we are not entitled to an opinion?  No...it just means that we are not to be so quick to share our estimations.  We’re to study the model given to us by Jesus.  He didn’t greet others with admonitions of wrongdoing. Jesus didn’t meet the woman at the well with a chastisement for her sins...He didn’t say “Zacchaeus, you’re a cheater” when He saw him up in a tree.  Jesus treated others gently.  He made them feel comfortable and accepted.  When the time was right, he lovingly pointed out the things that He had observed.  And sometimes, Jesus didn’t have to say a thing. His demeanor and the way He demonstrated grace and mercy was enough.

Let’s be honest...the “other guy” is not always wrong...and we’re not always right!  Only God can determine this with certainty.  We can have differing opinions...support different causes and policies...champion different attitudes and groups of people...and still be born-again Christians who love Jesus just as much as the next person! Let’s get real...we ALL have work to do in the “faith” department!  And I, for one, am so glad that Jesus does not dole out His grace and mercy to me based on my level of faith in Him on any given day!  I still have a long way to go toward full surrender...don’t you?

If we are counting on Jesus to love us and offer us forgiveness, grace and mercy...in spite of our shortcomings and faltering faith...how can we do any less for the other guy?  If we believe that Jesus loves each of us – warts and all – how can we offer him/her anything other than acceptance, compassion, and the benefit of the doubt?  Is there someone you need to treat more gently in Jesus’ name?  Will this be the day that you begin?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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