Daily Devotional for September 28, 2014

Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be afraid. I am with you.
Don’t tremble with fear.
    I am your God.
I will make you strong,
as I protect you with my arm
    and give you victories.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

On a recent edition of ABC’s 20/20, I heard the story of 12-year-old Payton Leutner, who was stabbed 19 times on May 31, 2014, by two classmates who had invited her for a sleepover in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  The morning after celebrating the 12th birthday of one of the girls, they invited Payton to join them for a game of “hide-and-seek” in the woods.  Payton reluctantly went along, and soon one of the girls was sitting on her and holding her down, while the other stabbed her in an attempt to kill her.  This was all a plot by these two young girls to do something they thought would please “Slender Man”, a fictitious online character who supposedly lives in the woods in a mansion. These girls convinced themselves that Slender Man is real, and that they would commit this murder, and then escape into the woods to find him and his mansion...and live there forever.

In a story of heroics (and an untold story of God’s grace), Payton Leutner willed herself to live. She crawled out of the woods to a sidewalk-like trail in the park that had been blocked off to the public with a chain.  Remarkably, a bicyclist chose to ignore the signs and chain and take this trail on that very morning, and he discovered little Payton lying in the grass - clinging to life.  Doctors told her parents, Joe and Stacie Leutner, that one of the stab wounds missed Payton’s heart by less than a hair’s breadth.  Had this wound been less than a millimeter farther in one direction, it would have been almost instantly fatal.

When Stacie Leutner first saw Payton in the hospital, she said that she was very pale.  Stacie told ABC news anchor David Muir that Payton put her hand out, and she rushed over to her. She said, “I put my arms around her and I laid next to her, and I hugged her and I said, ‘You're gonna be okay.  It's gonna be fine.’"  As the doctors and nurses wheeled Payton away for surgery, her mother told her that she loved her...and that she would be okay.

Virtually any mother would have said and done the same thing.  But Stacie Leutner could not be sure that her reassurances were accurate.  She really didn’t know with certainty that Payton would be okay...that the surgeon and his team could repair all of the damage.  Truthfully, Joe and Stacie Leutner do not know yet whether Payton will fully recover mentally and emotionally.  She seems to be doing well...but who knows what long-term effects such a traumatic experience will have on this child. Still, in the moment, reassurance was all they had...and it’s all they have now as they hope and pray that Payton truly won’t suffer any lasting damage.

You and I often face situations that are fraught with opportunities for fear to take over.  We receive unsettling news...we face challenges of a physical, mental or emotional nature...we have cause to worry to the point of making ourselves sick!  And in all of these circumstances, God says, “Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories.”  The difference between these words as spoken by a mortal parent and those of our Heavenly father is important.  Our earthly parents want this to be so...they hope that the outcome will be as they spoke of it.  But God guarantees His promises!  When He says that He will make us strong and give us victories, we can count on Him to make it happen!

I would bet that at one time or another in our lives, every single one of us heard our parents tell us that everything would be alright...and we believed them – even when a small part of us might have known that they could not be sure they were speaking the truth.  So why would we doubt or question God when He promises to heal us and give us strength and victory?  Don’t we know that God’s word is infallible?  Don’t we believe that God’s promises are steadfast and certain?

One of the hardest things for Payton Leutner to process has been the knowledge that her two friends meant to kill her.  She is still wrestling with this profound betrayal. And her parents acknowledge that they are concerned for these two little girls and their families.  But they believe that Payton was rescued for a reason...that she is here for a purpose and meant to do something special.  Perhaps God is using this little girl and her story to remind parents to pay a little closer attention to what their children are doing...and to remind us of His presence and power.

Where is God telling you today that He will heal you...protect you...make you strong and give you victories?  Do you trust Him and believe His promises?  Isn’t it time you did?  How would your life be different if you “let go and let God” have control?  Wouldn’t you like to find out?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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