Daily Devotional for September 23, 2014

Exodus 15:26
That’s the place where God set up rules and procedures; that’s where he started testing them.

God said, “If you listen, listen obediently to how God tells you to live in his presence, obeying his commandments and keeping all his laws, then I won’t strike you with all the diseases that I inflicted on the Egyptians; I am God your healer.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

We all know people who go to see a doctor about a particular ailment, then they refuse to accept his/her prescription.  Maybe the doctor says, “You have skin cancer or pre-cancerous cells. Stay out of the sun...wear a hat...use a high SPF sunscreen every day!” Or the doctor tells you to stop smoking and/or drinking...drop some pounds or eat less...drink more water...exercise more...or change another lifestyle habit.  A specific course of treatment might be recommended...chemotherapy or other medications...radiation...physical therapy...or surgery.  And you might walk out of the office and flatly refuse to do any of this.

Sometimes, the doctor cannot heal us if we won’t allow it! This is especially true when it comes to our relationship with God, our Great Healer. I will tell you that I have spent a lot of time talking to God...telling Him my “ailments”, worries, concerns and needs.  But I haven’t always paid attention to His “prescription”. I’m betting it is very much the same for you.

Do not misunderstand me...if you are sick right now and cannot seem to improve, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not listening and doing everything you are being told to do...that God is not healing you as a form of punishment.  I believe that our definition of “healing” is very different from God’s.  In her book
Feathers From My Nest*, author/speaker Beth Moore tells about moving from Arkansas to Texas as a teenager. Her parents would not delay their departure for even one hour so that she could get in a car and go down the street with friends for a “farewell lunch”. Upon arriving in Texas, they learned that the teens had been in a serious car accident, and that at one was injured and two were killed – including her best friend in the whole world. Beth Moore relates how she had been so angry with her parents for their decision...had hardly spoken a word to them all the way to their new home. While she still doesn’t fully understand why this tragedy happened, Moore says that she realized that her safety – and possibly her very life – had been spared.

We will not always understand how God heals...and that’s okay.  All we have to do is trust that He is indeed our Healer.  God will heal some instantly and completely - while others, like the Apostle Paul, will be left with a “thorn in the flesh” that must be tolerated.  Some will be given health and restoration on this earth...others will receive their healing in Heaven.  God will use physicians, counselors, family and friends, teachers, coaches, and ministers of all kinds to deliver His healing.  Relief and restoration won’t always come in the form of a pill or surgery...a splint or a crutch.  But never doubt for one minute that God will heal us when we trust Him.  And if you want “maximum results” (as the pill bottle sometimes describes), practice obedience, faithfulness, and servitude!

In the human world, the choice to skip medication or treatment is a very personal one...and you might even feel that God is telling you to choose another option – or no treatment whatsoever. But we won’t know for sure that we are hearing from God if we are not truly paying attention and listening for His voice. Two entertainers were bantering back and forth on a television show in a light-hearted debate, and one said to the other, “Oh, just SHUSH IT!”  Maybe it’s time for us to “shush it” with God...and let Him do the talking for a while. The ultimate “Doctor” IS in...are you listening to what He has to say?

©2014 Debbie Robus

*Feathers From My Nest...”A Mother’s Reflections” - ©2001 Beth Moore ~ Broadman and Holman - Nashville, Tennessee

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