Daily Devotional for September 3, 2014

Psalm 145:9
He is good to everyone, and his compassion is intertwined with everything he does.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A sweet church friend of mine gathered all of her “paraphernalia” on Labor Day to enjoy a relaxing afternoon poolside...only to discover that her little 12-year-old dog had somehow wandered into the pool and died. My heart broke for her as she described on Facebook how she ran into the house - screaming and crying - and called her husband to come help her.  I could not imagine her shock and grief at making such a terrible discovery.  She said she was not sure that she could ever enjoy her pool again.

As people began to comment, several mentioned that my friend’s little dog had been sick and was in pain. Some suggested that my friend was spared the heartache of having to “put down” her beloved pet.  But all I could think about was how heartbroken she is...and how God understands her pain and sorrow. I wondered how many ways He will offer her His compassion in the coming days – and how this tragedy can be used by others to share compassion, grace and mercy in their daily living.

For my own part, I took a good hard look at our two cats...Lucy and Mabel - both fifteen years old now. I realize that our days with them are most likely numbered. I thought of all of the hours and days of joy these two little fur balls have brought to our lives, and I looked at them with a renewed love and understanding. I vowed not to be so exasperated by early morning taps on the nose and incessant yowling for attention...but rather, to embrace the opportunity to snuggle with them and share a scratch behind the ears or a gentle kiss on the head.

Every morning, Lucy waits for me to finish my breakfast and move into my office.  She follows (if she isn’t already there waiting for me) and dances around at my feet until I pick her up and put her in my lap.  This is our “lap time” together...and sometimes it happens more than once during the day. Occasionally, she sits still and snuggles...other times, she cannot get settled, and she claws my legs with her hind feet and gently nudges my hands with her teeth.  But I know altogether too soon, I will long for even one of these “lap times”...so I do my best to accommodate her.  I hope and pray that we never find our cats in a tragic circumstance like my friend and her dog. But I also know that someday our pets will leave us in some manner...and we will grieve every bit as much as she is.

How can we apply this to our daily living?  What can we learn from this about God’s compassion, grace and mercy?  Every day, we are presented with opportunities to either get exasperated with something or someone...or to look beyond the frustration and aggravation and see what lies underneath. We can be impatient with children, a spouse, our friends, a co-worker or boss, an elderly loved one, someone in line at the grocery store or driving down the highway – or even a beloved pet. OR...we can stop and take a look at them through God’s “lens”. We can look at them as I look at Lucy when she is sweetly sleeping in a chair or snuggled against me in my lap, purring softly. We can recognize that there is a “life”, and a purpose, behind the façade of whatever irritates or challenges us in the moment.  We can stop and ask, “LORD, what are you trying to show me today?”

Rest assured that we frustrate God on a minute-by-minute basis...yet He loves us all the while and often looks past our shortcomings.  We can’t always see His “good” in our lives – especially when we are smack in the middle of something rough – but it is there, just the same.  God NEVER leaves us.  He never stops loving us or caring about us, and He never wastes an opportunity to help us grow in our walk with Him.

I am so very sorry for my friend’s loss...and the way in which it happened. But I know that God will comfort her and guide her through the coming days.  He will also use this story to remind us of His love and care for us, even in the tough times...and how we can pay this forward in our own lives. 

What is God showing you today?  Where is He demonstrating great compassion and care?  Where can you share grace and mercy with others in His name? Are you taking full advantage of the opportunities that He gives you to do this?  Isn’t it time you did?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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