Daily Devotional for June 15, 2015

John 15:5
I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
Last week, Timothy attended a “Day Camp” at our local Aquatic Center. On the last day, he received a tote bag filled with his arts and crafts, candy, and some toys. One was this squishy deep blue “creature” – similar to a beetle.  It felt pretty gross to the touch, and it was all sticky. At first, Timothy was unsure about this toy, but over the span of an hour or so, he grew to like it…until one of its legs came off…and then another.  Then Timothy began to pull on the legs – and soon there were six little “blobs of blue goo” and a 3-sectioned “body.”  Yesterday, one of the kids pulled off a “body” section…and I’ll be honest - last night, we deemed the pieces of “creature” to be a safety hazard, and the pile of goop went in the trash!

Intact, this “creature” was interesting to look at…and somewhat fun for the kids to hold in their hands.  The appendages by themselves were just little blue blobs of goo…icky and worthless.  It’s similar to a toy doll or robot that requires batteries to walk and talk.  Without the batteries, the toy can still be fun for awhile, if the children use their imagination…but the real “magic” happens when batteries are inserted!

Without seeming irreverent, I offer that Jesus is our “batteries” or “body.”  Without His power, we are pretty ineffective.  I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we are worthless, because we all know people who occasionally manage to do some fairly productive things with no apparent Spiritual support.  But if you “get down to brass tacks,” you will probably see that they were covered in the grace and mercy of Jesus – even if they didn’t acknowledge His presence.  If you trim a fruit-laden branch from the vine, the fruit will still be “good” for a little while…but ultimately, it will shrivel and become inedible – and destined for the trash heap!

What we can accomplish on our own – who and what we are – is pretty limited without the power of Jesus.  Like the “little blue blobs of goo” that once were the legs of an icky toy creature, we may hold the attention of others and “entertain” or “serve” for a brief moment.  But without attachment to the body…without the VINE – we will never be productive and complete for very long.

Where does this leave you?  Are you attached to the Body?  Is your “branch” firmly attached to the “vine” of Jesus?  Don’t end up in the “trash heap” of life.  Stay connected to Jesus!  Let Him power your life – in every way…and enable you to produce  His “good fruits” - today…and always!

©2015 Debbie Robus

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