1 Peter 3:8-9
Finally, all of you should agree and
have concern and love for each other. You should also be kind and
humble. Don’t be hateful and insult people just because they are hateful
and insult you. Instead, treat everyone with kindness. You are God’s
chosen ones, and he will bless you.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
you have spent any time around children, you’ve probably experienced
something that one of them said or did that had you asking, “Where did
you learn that?” The answers will vary…Mom or Dad - or another adult…in
a movie…on TV…at the store…at a ballgame…at school.
People are watching.
I know I say that a lot…but it’s the truth. And no group among us is
paying closer attention than our children. So when we use four-letter
words, ugly gestures, or disdainful and insulting talk toward someone
else, they notice. When we gossip, criticize and disparage others, our
children assume that this is acceptable.
We tell our kids, “We
don’t say those things,” and “We don’t use those words.” But sometimes,
they reply with, “So-and-so does!” Then we have to try to explain why
this is not okay – without disrespecting the person who uttered such
things. It’s a slippery slope. As a teacher, I have experienced this
many times. Even when you ask the child, “Do you see me doing those
things? Do you hear me using those words?”…they often reply, “No, but
my mom does…” or “My dad/grandpa does…” OR, they will say, “I heard
this person or that one say these things on television.” There is
certainly plenty of the latter to go around these days!
I ask
you…is this really what we want to project to our children – and
others? Youngsters have actually said to me, “When we get to be
grown-ups, we can say these things.” I’ve heard adults say, “He/she
doesn’t talk that way in the workplace”…or “It’s just politics.” It’s
as if we have one set of rules for certain people and settings…and
another for everyone else. I think God must hang His head in shame and
disgust when we act this way.
You do not have a license to speak
in a certain manner…to insult, use foul language, or criticize
others…just because you are an adult - or you are in a certain setting.
As a disciple of Christ, you have no business giving someone a special
“salute” when he/she cuts you off in traffic…or calling people liars,
morons, and names I cannot write in this devotional. We simply cannot
act like this and claim the name of Jesus! Many are trying to do this
very thing…but trust me, others see right through the ruse – especially
the unbelievers in our midst!
We cannot pick and choose the time
and place to honor God’s word. We cannot justify insults, name-calling,
back-biting, spreading rumors and falsehoods, and so much more. People are watching.
They see how we conduct ourselves in every situation. And many base
their ideas of what it means to follow Jesus on what you and I say and
do while claiming to be His disciples.
When others look at you,
WHO is represented? Do you go the second mile to ensure that your
words and actions line up with God’s admonition to be kind, humble, and
demonstrate love and concern for others? Are you ready to check your
conduct and make sure that you never say/do something that would
embarrass or disgrace God? Isn’t it time you were?
©2016 Debbie Robus
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