Daily Devotional for July 6, 2010

July 6 ~ Isaiah 40:29-31
The LORD gives strength to those who are weary. Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. But those who trust the LORD will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Like many babies, Timothy fights sleep. We can tell when he is becoming tired. He wobbles and stumbles as he walks, drops toys, and cries. Dark circles form under his eyes, and he whines and becomes fussy. But let him have a good nap… and everything changes. His eyes brighten. He is steady on his feet, and his walk becomes almost a run at times. He can carry his toys and books with him and never drop anything, unless he wants to do so. Yes indeed, even young people get tired, stumble and fall.

In truth, this passage is not about being physically tired as much as mental and spiritual fatigue. And we all experience this from time to time. “Life” gets us down, and we become discouraged… and maybe even exhausted. But God can lift us. He is like the two-hour nap that refreshes a baby… He can give us new strength and courage for whatever we are facing.

When Timmy gets weary, he does everything he can to keep from falling asleep… hair and ear pulling, extra walking and tumbling, and pounding on his crib mattress with his fists and feet. Does this describe you when you are spiritually weary? Do you wring your hands and cry and stay up late and stew over your problems night and day? Just as we tell our little nephew, “You will feel better after you rest,” God is saying this to us… “Come rest in Me… let Me refresh you and handle your worries… see how much difference some ‘God-nap’ time can make.”

Everyone can benefit from a good nap. But the most important rest we can get may very well be “rest in the Lord.” Are you getting enough these days?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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