Romans 6:4
When we were baptized, we died and were buried with Christ. We were baptized, so that we would live a new life, as Christ was raised to life by the glory of God the Father.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When I wash Timothy’s hair in the bath tub, I scoop up water in a plastic dish pan and pour it over his head to rinse his hair. He loves this… it’s a game to him. The water washes his soapy hair squeaky clean, and he is changed by it.

Some people feel an almost “magical” transformation when they become a Christian – or when they are baptized. Others don’t feel anything drastic at first… their changes are more gradual, but no less significant.

As we grow in our faith and service to God, we do change. We find that the things we once considered “fun” or acceptable are no longer interesting… and may even be offensive. We find that our focus and our priorities change… usually from ourselves to the love and service of others. We think more about how we can worship God and serve Him than what we are going to do… today, tomorrow, next day - or next year.

Recently I had some sort of cold “bug.” The first few days, I didn’t feel so well. I had no appetite… I was tired all day… and very little interested me. As I began to feel better, I was able to do more without resting. I even began to get hungry again! And as my energy returned, I had more enthusiasm for all sorts of things. Sometimes it’s like that with our Christian life. Some of us were sick in sin for a long time…healing and recovery may take a while! But it will happen – if we stay focused on Jesus.

We do have the opportunity to become a new creature in Christ. Our past is behind us, and we have been given new life… a second chance. Let’s not waste it. Let’s be the people God called us to be and honor Him with everything we’ve got. Let the healing begin… here and now… for each of us! And may we all be “well” soon!

©2010 Debbie Robus

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