Daily Devotional for March 28, 2012

2 Corinthians 5:1
Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth. But when these tents are destroyed, we know that God will give each of us a place to live. These homes will not be buildings that someone has made, but they are in heaven and will last forever.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last July, my friend Mary McCurry, passed away. Mary lived 60 years in a crippled body… the victim of cerebral palsy since birth. She was smart, sharp-witted, and a strong Christian who could not communicate verbally as you and I do. Mary spoke mostly with her eyes and facial expressions, and those closest to her had little trouble understanding her. Some of those who did not truly get to know Mary were critical - and even cruel. They did not believe she was intelligent, nor did they “get” how devoted she was to family, friends – and to Jesus.

When Mary left this earth, the crippled “tent” of a body that she inhabited here was exchanged for a beautifully whole and complete one in heaven. I am convinced that she and her dear mother (who died less than 36 hours later) are having continual, animated conversations… and all of heaven is smiling. Mary’s “tent” is now a beautiful “home.”

We all live in an earthly “tent” of sorts. Some of us have “pup tents” like those we created as kids out of an old blanket that we draped over a chair or other furniture. We are trapped in a body that is mangled, crippled or disfigured… or weighted down with the physical, mental and emotional challenges of our daily lives. Others have a multi-roomed, fancy rig… complete with zippered windows and doorways, and maybe even divided rooms! For them, life at least appears to be a breeze… and truly, they are blessed beyond measure – even here in this life. But when we get to heaven, we will all have homes… mansions… perfect and complete – beautiful in every way.

Sixty years in a crippled “tent” seems like a terribly long time. And it can be… if we allow Satan to control our attitude and our thinking. If we choose to live as Mary did… with the attitude that this earthly “tent” is merely a temporary inconvenience at best – and for most of us, really not all that bad! – we truly glorify who we are in Christ and testify to His promise of better days ahead!

I don’t know what sort of “tent” you live in today. Maybe you are due for an “earthly upgrade” – a change in your thinking and faith to remind you that God has bigger and better things in store for you, even on this earth. Surely we could all use at least a little bit of an attitude adjustment. Isn’t it time we all focused more on our heavenly home and less on the earthly “tent?” When we shift our thinking and begin to live for Jesus and the promise of heaven, we are better equipped to serve Him here and now… in whatever dwelling He provides. Our life becomes more of a statement about our heart-felt relationship to Jesus, and less about the visible exterior. When others look at you, who – and what – do they see? Are you known by your heart… or your “tent?”

©2012 Debbie Robus

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