Daily Devotional for March 8, 2012

John 16:23-24
"This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he'll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In February, my husband and I both experienced a bout of the flu. For several days, I was unable to do my normal workout routine. Once I started to feel better, I eased back into my almost-daily regimen. I knew that the longer I went without working out, the harder it would be to get back into a groove. In large part, it was about diligence and determination. And the same can be said of our prayer life. When it comes to prayer, many of us find it very easy to fall into complacency. We get in a hurry and let other things get in the way. So instead of truly communicating with God, we give a quick “lip service” to a laundry list of concerns and desires… and we expect God to do the rest.

There is more to prayer than merely listing our needs for God. And while He already knows our heart – and our wishes – there is a “protocol” for effective prayer. In my notes, I have written… “To get results, pray ‘by the rules’: get the Word, know your covenant, understand your inheritance.” In other words, instead of praying, “Lord, heal me…” we might say, “Lord, I know that ‘by His stripes, I am healed,’ (Isaiah 53:5) so I am asking You to make me well, according to Your will – and in your perfect timing.” When we pray for a friend in need, we might say, “Father, You have promised to give us what we ask in Your name, so I am asking for you to do XYZ for Bill or Sue, in line with your plans for them,” (John 16:23-24) instead of merely saying, “LORD, I pray for Bill/Sue.”

I’m not saying that there won’t be times when quickly lifting a concern or naming someone to God is better than no prayer at all… but we should all begin to treat our prayer time with as much reverence and importance as we give to a daily workout, the nightly news, or following our favorite TV show or sport. If we are going to expect answers to our prayers… if we are truly operating in faith that God will give us our hearts’ desires, according to His will – and the joy overflowing that comes with them… we must treat our prayers with care and respect.

Does this mean we should schedule prayer time with God like we do a workout or watching our favorite TV program or sporting event? Not necessarily… although this will often help us make prayer time more of a habit and part of our daily routine. This is not about when we pray… but more about how we communicate with God. Start working on making your prayers more effective… more specific and based in the Word of God and your faithful expectations for His perfect answers.

Try this… offer a diligent, “by-the-rules” prayer for one or two concerns at a time as you go about your day. I’m betting that when you get ready for bed, you can look back and see that you communicated with God far more often – and effectively – than if you had spent a concentrated hour listing your concerns and praising Him. Look for ways all day long to thank Him… take a few minutes here and there to lift concerns as they come to mind… to recall the promises of God’s word with relation to these concerns… and to believe for His perfect outcome. See if you don’t feel closer to God as a result… and more joyful, as He answers and honors your faithfulness.

Father, I thank You for the blood of Jesus and all that He accomplished for us on the cross. I praise you for promising to give us the desires of our heart when we pray according to Your will… and I ask You to bless those who are reading this message. Strengthen each of them as they spend more time in diligent, deliberate communication with You. I ask that You answer them according to Your perfect plans… and that You shower them with the blessings You have promised – and joy overflowing. Thank You, LORD, for hearing my prayers and honoring Your covenant with me… and all who trust in You. Amen.

©2012 Debbie Robus

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