Daily Devotional for March 6, 2012

John 3:8
Only God's Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don't know where it comes from or where it is going.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If you follow my devotionals, you know that on March 4th, I wrote about hope, based on the scripture passage from Romans 5:3-5. When I opened my Kindle to read the daily devotional from God Calling, the scripture passage for March 4th was… wait for it… Romans 5:3-5. I had already posted my own devo that day, based on this passage. As I said earlier, I am no longer truly surprised by God and how He works… but I am often incredibly impressed. This was one of those instances!

This morning, I sat in warm sunlight on my back porch, closed my eyes, and begged God to fill me with His wisdom, Holy Spirit, and all that I need to accomplish what He desires. For a while, I did not intercede on the behalf of others or ask for anything for myself… I merely sat and waited. Recent study of God’s word has convinced me that we need more of this… time spent waiting and listening… quiet time in which we allow God to reveal Himself to us. This morning, I asked God to handle what I cannot… and to show me how to be His agent in matters for which I have no answers of my own… how to be still – and softhearted.

My devotional for today from the book, God Calling, was based on the scripture passage from John 3. I found the comments to be quite profound… especially given my own morning meditations. Remember, the commentary is God speaking to us. In part, it said… “How silently My Spirit works. How gently and gradually souls are led into My Kingdom. Love and laughter form the plough that prepares the ground for the seed. Remember this. If the ground is hard, seed will not grow there. Prepare the ground, prepare it as I say.” *

This was my answer for today. God wants me to soften my heart… and to offer love, laughter, compassion and a gentle spirit to others, so that the “ground” of their hearts is softened for His seed. Where I am impatient, frustrated, disappointed, feeling hopeless and discouraged… I must find a way to relax and feel the joy of God’s presence, so that I can react and respond to others in a way that ploughs the ground for God to sow His seeds and work.

This was exactly what I needed today. My desire is for God to find “soft ground” in me and plant the seeds of His love, grace, mercy and wisdom there. If this is truly my desire, how can I even consider living in a way that would foster anything but this environment in others? I must continually look for ways to nurture joy and laughter… to plough “soft ground” in my own heart and the hearts of others, so that God has plenty of room to work. And then… I must step back and let Him accomplish what only He can… and trust His timing and perfection to produce perfect fruit.

I encourage you to take a few minutes today to sit quietly and listen for God. Soften your heart to Him – and to others – and allow him to plough and plant according to His perfect will. Feel his Spirit coming and going from all directions in and through you – just like the wind. Smile… laugh…find joy and hope in Him… and share this with every person you encounter. Then stand back… and watch God’s incredible “garden” of blessings, redemption and restoration grow!

©2012 Debbie Robus

*From God Calling, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.”

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