Daily Devotional for March 11, 2012

James 4:1-3
Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don't have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn't yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it.

You wouldn't think of just asking God for it, would you? And why not? Because you know you'd be asking for what you have no right to. You're spoiled children, each wanting your own way.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Apparently everyone has an agenda! In our present political climate, we have people on all sides who claim to make decisions in the name of God. For a nation who believes in separation of church and state, we surely do hide behind religion a lot in order to make our point or have things go our way. So we have political candidates who run for office based on a platform of “family values” and their particular stance on abortion, gay marriage, the right to bear arms, and much more – yet I wonder if many of them can truly explain their position and the meaning they place behind it.

Some will declare themselves pro-war and pro-life in the same breath! In the end, people who claim to hear from God - again, on every side of every issue – cannot seem to get along with each other for five minutes! We would all do well to ask the question asked in James 4:1 – “Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen?”

We know this isn’t right. We know that many of our troubles boil down to selfishness. And hopefully, we realize that it would be beyond ridiculous to ask God to support us in many of our desires and endeavors… because clearly we are not entitled to the things for which we are asking. If we ask God to do things for us at the expense of someone or something else, we have to realize this is selfish and wrong.

Asking God to choose our team over another at a sporting event makes no sense. Calling on God to look the other way when we cheat on a test or our taxes… to “give us a pass” this one time… doesn’t benefit us – and it surely doesn’t glorify God! We can’t ask God to help us make it to class and do well in school – or continue to hold down a job – while we are drinking and partying and/or doing drugs every night and weekend. Claiming the name of God and cloaking ourselves in Christian faith so that we can “win friends and influence people” – in any life situation – does not please God. Asking God to bless us and help us to prosper while cheating and backstabbing our friends and neighbors seems preposterous! And while the scripture says we would never think of asking God for things to which we have no right… sadly, many of us are doing exactly this. Yet, we wonder why our prayers are not answered as we expect!

The time has come for us to “come clean.” We must humbly come before God and seek His wisdom… and expect answers according to HIS will – not ours. We must take our emotions out of the equation and rely solely on the Word of God… because often, what we want and what God wants are two very different things. When we start to operate in what God wants… to desire His will and expect His answers accordingly, everything changes.

When we begin to ask God to give us the desires of His heart… the things that bless and benefit all of His children (not just us or a select few), amazing things begin to happen. Results and blessings flow in abundance. We operate in harmony, because we have checked our selfish desires at the door. There is no room in our hearts for ego, deceit, manipulation, argument, gossip, pettiness, and a whole host of other negative attitude builders, because we are filled with the word and wisdom of God. We are confident in God’s decisions and His ability to work in and through us.

Lately, God has shown me in several ways that what many of us need is a big ole dose of humility... followed by an attitude adjustment. If we could only begin to be still and listen for His voice… to develop an attitude of humble, unselfish, expectant, confident prayer for HIS will instead of our own… a lot of positive change could start to occur. But we have to take the first step. We have to examine our own hearts and motives… and start the ball rolling by surrendering to God. We must follow the protocol of prayer – pray the Word of God, enter into covenant with Him, and expect His perfect answers. Will this be the week where the “faith rules” of prayer begin to change things for you? Shouldn’t it?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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