Daily Devotional for January 1, 2013

2 Timothy 4:17
But the Lord stood beside me. He gave me the strength to tell his full message, so that all Gentiles would hear it. And I was kept safe from hungry lions.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Timothy was a lion for Halloween. I found a little “lion suit” at the consignment store, and I made him a mask out of a paper plate, some felt, fleece fringe, and scraps from my fabric bin. He told me just last week about how the lions were after him, but because he was wearing his lion suit… “they didn’t get me.” Timothy talks a lot about the lions being after him… undoubtedly the result of some movie he has watched. I always assure him that the lions cannot get him… that he is safe with us and his family… that we will protect him. In essence, we give him strength to be the happiest three-year-old boy he can be… and we keep him safe from the “hungry lions” of the world. And apparently, he has decided that his “lion suit” from Halloween has some magical power and strength in the face of his adversaries.

Can I tell you something? There are “hungry lions” after every single one of us. They are not necessarily the four-legged kind with a mane and a tail… but their “teeth” are just as menacing. The devil sends these beasts to frighten us… to nip at our heels and cause us to worry and tremble. They come in every form imaginable… from stress about classes and workloads to dissention with family members, friends and co-workers - to concerns over how to pay bills and handle the effects of the “fiscal cliff.” When you are sad over the loss of a friend or loved one, the devil can take advantage of your grief to drag you down even further and steal your joy. When you are disappointed, discouraged or frustrated, Satan steps in to say, “See, life is lousy… things never truly work out like you envisioned.”

When you are sick or injured, the devil will tell you that you are weak and don’t deserve to be well. When you find yourself in a situation that is uncertain, he will send “lions” to roar that you are not smart enough and don’t deserve to do better. When you are lonely, his “lions” will do all they can to assure you that you are not worthy of companionship.

But GOD will keep us safe from all of these “lions” and more… if only we will call on Him. He will never leave our side. God will lift us, encourage us, and assure us that by His strength and power, we can do and be anything! God will fill in the gaps and raise us out of depression, disappointment, and fear. He will embolden us to learn new things… and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.

We have a choice… we can put on the “lion suit” of God’s armor and fight the devil on a more-than-level playing field… or we can let the devil’s “lions” devour us. I know which I am choosing…do you?

©2013 Debbie Robus

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