Daily Devotional for January 23, 2013

1 John 3:14-15
The way we know we’ve been transferred from death to life is that we love our brothers and sisters. Anyone who doesn’t love is as good as dead. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know very well that eternal life and murder don’t go together.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I really enjoy Facebook… most of the time. This social media venue is great for keeping up with our friends’ daughter and grandchildren – and my cousins – who live in northwest Arkansas. I’ve reconnected with cousins in Texas that I have not seen since childhood. I can share photos of my niece’s three babies with family members and friends who live out of town and rarely, if ever get to see them. We can see pictures of our great nieces and nephew who live in Tennessee and Missouri. AND…I can keep up with former students from Texas to Iowa to Japan, relatives and friends scattered all over the country… and I can even participate in some online garage sales!

However, I have to wade through some pretty nasty posts a lot of the time. This venue has provided some people with a platform for spewing venom and hatred… and more than a few have thoroughly honed their skills. The worst part is that many of these people spout hatred in one breath… and claim Jesus in the next!

We all need to take a good, hard look at 1 John 3:14-15 today. Do you see the line that says “anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer”? Do you get that when you speak so insufferably about another human being – and encourage your “friends” to join you – that you are as good as wishing them dead? Where in the life of a Christian does this fit? How did you become an officer in the courts of Heaven?

We all have the right of free speech… and the liberty to have - and voice - our opinions. But we cannot claim the name of Jesus and harbor hatred in our heart…even if we never speak it aloud or post a comment on a social media outlet. The minute you start to feel anything that approaches loathing toward another living soul, you need to stop in your tracks and ask God to strengthen you… to give you a spirit if love, forgiveness, grace, mercy and tolerance.

If someone behaves in a way you do not like, talk to God about it. Don’t ask Him to correct this person – you are not the judge and jury. Ask God to touch this person’s heart… to guide him/her according to HIS will… to give them a spirit of receptiveness to His wisdom and teachings. And ask God to give you a spirit of love and acceptance… maybe not of the person’s behaviors – but most certainly of the person.

I know this is hard… we have become a society of haters, it seems. “Oh, but I don’t HATE anybody,” you may say. And maybe you don’t. But you have to admit that we have all found it pretty easy to embrace – and sometimes express – some pretty awful thoughts about others. I don’t want to operate this way… I don’t want to have murderous thoughts or feelings… and that’s exactly what scripture says a spirit of hatred encompasses.

This is really heady stuff, and we need to stop today and take a moment to consider how we think and feel… where we have fallen short of the tremendous power that God grants us through His gifts of grace, mercy and forgiveness. We need to revisit His command to love one another and share these gifts with those in our path. Are you operating in a spirit of hatred? Are you, in essence, a murderer? Don’t you want to change this? Ask God to help you begin your transformation TODAY! Transfer from death to life and operate in the love of Jesus toward everyone. Don’t be one of “those people.” Instead, choose a genuine, loving life in Christ… and let grace, mercy and tolerance of others be your constant hallmark.

©2013 Debbie Robus

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