Daily Devotional for August 20, 2014

Matthew 11:28-30
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Almost four years ago, my Mam-ma Polly made the heart-wrenching decision that she could no longer live at home alone.  For much of her 98 years, my grandmother had taken care of herself and others...now it was time to allow others to care for her.  As Greg and I loaded Mam-ma into the car for the ride to her Assisted Living Facility, we pulled out of her driveway for the last time.  I felt a lump grow in my throat.  This signaled the end of a season of life...and the beginning of one that would surely be her last.  Had she made the right decision?  Had we been right to go along with this and help her make it a reality?

In the end, I believe that we all made the best decision...one that we didn’t come to lightly.  We spent hours/days/weeks in prayer over this move.  And in retrospect, I believe we listened to God and entrusted this option to His infinite wisdom.  I believe that He shouldered many burdens for all of us...and that He granted us grace and mercy in many aspects of the move and my grandmother’s subsequent two years of residence there.

I am reading a book called
The Best Yes* by author/speaker Lysa TerKeurst.  She writes about decisions we all make in our lives...some of them “kick-to-the-gut” tough choices that cause us to over-analyze.  Or sometimes we become paralyzed with fear - and unable to move in any direction.  She maintains that what we fail to fully acknowledge and accept is God’s wisdom – and mercy –in these choices.  In many regards, our inability to give our burdens to Him is an affront.  It’s like we’re saying that we think we can do a better job of handling things than God can!

TerKeurst also points out that “there are no perfect decisions.”  There will be good points and bad points to each and every one of them.  What IS perfect is our surrender to God...and our submission to His ability to render good in any situation.  So while the Assisted Living Facility was not “home”...and in many ways it was far from perfect...God took care of my grandmother there – and used her to bless countless others in the process.  When she behaved herself and didn’t try to do things she was no longer physically able to do, she was safe there.  Her meals were prepared...her clothes were laundered...her room was cleaned...and her medications were properly dispensed.  She had fellow residents with whom she could visit, frequent visits from family members and friends, and activities to attend. In many ways, my grandmother surrendered her burdens to God...and He carried them for her.

You and I have quite a few things we probably need to surrender to God.  In the words of my cousin Natalie, some of us are “worn smack out” over decisions and struggles.  Or maybe we are paralyzed with fear and are really standing still...stagnant...unable to turn in either direction for concern that we will make a wrong move.  It’s time to walk in faith... to truly start to trust that God knows far more than we do...to listen to Jesus and surrender our burdens to Him, take HIS yoke (which is far lighter and better fitting!), and trust His wisdom as we make the best choices.

Will things be perfect?  Absolutely not!  Here’s what TerKeurst says...”My imperfections will never override God’s promises.  God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well. God will use the good and not-so-good parts of the decisions we make.”  I’m so ready to release some decisions to God and to trust Him to operate in His infinite wisdom.  I’m ready take a real rest with Jesus...and live freely and lightly in His grace and mercy.  What about you?

©2014 Debbie Robus

*The Best Yes - ©2014 by TerKeurst Foundation – published by Nelson Books.  Available at Walmart and other major retailers.  www.thebestyes.com #TheBestYes

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