Daily Devotional for May 23, 2015

Luke 22:19-20
Taking bread, he blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, given for you. Eat it in my memory.”

He did the same with the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant written in my blood, blood poured out for you..

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Covenants are a part of our everyday life…from the loan agreement you signed with the bank for your car and/or house, to marriage vows, to enrolling in college or accepting a job.  While some are more formal than others, we are constantly entering into “covenant” agreements to fulfill a commitment.

When we make a covenant, there are certain expectations on both sides.  Your spouse expects you to be there “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health” – for the rest of your life – and you expect the same in return!  Your boss expects you to show up for work every day and do what is required of you…and you anticipate fair treatment and a paycheck.  When you enroll in college, you count on learning something that will help you to grow and develop in certain areas of expertise…and the school of higher learning assumes that you will pay your tuition and attend the classes!

There are traditional covenants, like marriage agreements, the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians, and the “swearing in” of public officials, law enforcement and military personnel.  Even elected officials and religious leaders take an “Oath of Office” and promise to uphold the tenets or bylaws of the group that they serve.  But there are less formal covenants that are in many ways just as binding. If I join an organization, the group anticipates my support and participation in its activities – whether it is a club, a church, or a local softball team, exercise class, or Bible study!

Even more importantly, when we accept Salvation through Jesus Christ and invite Him to dwell in our heart, we have created a covenant - a “blood covenant” if you will.  Jesus shed His blood to pay for our sins…and when we accept His gift of Salvation, we commit to honor Him…to love Him above all others…to serve Him with our whole heart, according to His will.

A lot of people seem to gloss over this part of the “covenant.”  They willingly accept Jesus’ redemption…they are more than happy to claim to be a Christian and a pardon that assures reprieve from the fires of hell and promises eternal Paradise.  But they give no consideration to holding up their end of the agreement. 

When we default on a loan, break a covenant with our spouse, or fail to attend classes and pay tuition…or even when we don’t attend the meetings and actively participate in an organization to which we belong…there are consequences.  We might even be removed from the group…”exiled” in some way.  Thankfully, Jesus does not go this far…but He does hang His head in shame and disappointment.  We can’t just SAY we are Christians and then go about our old, sinful, uncommitted lives…or we shouldn’t.  This does not reflect the “blood covenant”…nor does it honor our Savior.

It’s not a matter of worrying about whether we will go to Heaven or Hell…this is about commitment to Jesus…honor and respect…love and appreciation for the One who has given us EVERYTHING.  Have you truly made a “blood covenant” with Christ?  Are you making a point…or making a difference? Did you just want the “get out of Hell” ticket…or are you all in with Jesus?  There a huge difference between these two options…which one have you chosen?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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