Daily Devotional for August 26, 2016

John 14:1-4
“Don’t let this throw you. You trust God, don’t you? Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father’s home. If that weren’t so, would I have told you that I’m on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I’m on my way to get your room ready, I’ll come back and get you so you can live where I live. And you already know the road I’m taking.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

There have been a lot of posts recently from parents who helped their college-aged students move into a new space…cute room décor…bittersweet “good-byes”…excited kids greeting old friends and making new ones.  It is a daunting experience to send your child away to college and trust that he/she will be healthy and happy…make good choices…study hard and have a good time – all without the “guidance and nurture” of  his/her parental figures and the comforts of home!

When my then-98-year-old grandmother made the difficult decision to move to an Assisted Living Facility, she trusted Greg and me to handle the details.  And we did our best to ensure that she would be happy and given the best care. We furnished her apartment with HER things - down to the last plant and knick-knack.  We made it look as much like “home” as we possibly could.

I will never forget how hard it was to pull out of her driveway and deliver her to this new apartment…knowing that she would never live with total independence again.  But I also realized that we had done everything we knew to do – and then some – to get her room ready.  And while she rarely told us that all was well, I heard from many others that she often said, “This was the best decision I ever made.”

My grandmother was no dummy. She knew that this apartment would be her final earthly residence.  But she also knew that Jesus was preparing a far nicer place for her in heaven…the likes of which she had never seen before.  She had to endure her share of challenges on this earth. I guess you could say she “lived in a dump or two.”  But she never let this squelch her hope and faith that better days were ahead…that her room in THE Mansion was in the works! A friend joked that Jesus took His time repainting my grandmother’s space to get the color just right – she lived for 100 years 123 days. But I know that the end result is perfect – and so worth the wait!

A lot of us spend a good deal of time and energy on worry about things that really don’t matter.  We spin our wheels as we stay stuck in the ruts of worry, frustration, anger, disappointment, and fear.  We SAY we trust Jesus…but we don’t live in a way that demonstrates this. We sometimes live in a few “dumps” as “life” happens to us. We let the devil steal our joy…and what we present to others is an example of someone who SAYS they trust Jesus and want to serve Him, then lives like there isn’t an ounce of hope and faith in Christ’s teachings and promises.

John 14:1-4 should frame every single aspect of our daily living.  The hope and promise that is offered in these brief sentences should be the fuel that drives us each minute of the day. Our room is being prepared…and it will be the best room we could ever imagine, in the mansion of the KING of KINGS!  Jesus is busy getting the paint colors and everything else exactly right!  And in the meantime, the One who is creating this Masterful abode for us gives equal time and attention to the details of our everyday existence.

So what have we to fear?  How can we worry?  Why would we waste a minute being angry or disappointed?  The best is yet to come…we know what lies ahead, and it will be glorious!  The time has come to live with the excitement and enthusiasm of a college freshman off to inhabit his/her first dorm room…or the graduate decorating a new apartment. We know that what Jesus has in store for us is superior to any of these earthly dwellings…so why aren’t we living with anticipation and gratitude?

Are you ready to demonstrate to the world how much you trust Jesus?  Do you honor the work and preparation that He is doing for you by living every minute of this earthly existence to the fullest – and with glory and gratitude for the Designer of it all?  Do you live with hope and joy in your salvation through Jesus Christ…and does it show?  Isn’t it time you did?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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