Daily Devotional for August 29, 2016

John 18:19-23
The high priest questioned Jesus about his followers and his teaching. But Jesus told him, “I have spoken freely in front of everyone. And I have always taught in our meeting places and in the temple, where all of our people come together. I have not said anything in secret. Why are you questioning me? Why don’t you ask the people who heard me? They know what I have said.”

As soon as Jesus said this, one of the temple police hit him and said, “That’s no way to talk to the high priest!”

Jesus answered, “If I have done something wrong, say so. But if not, why did you hit me?”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Our daily news is filled with reports of people saying or doing shocking - and sometimes abhorrent things. We read and hear accounts of everything from name calling and degradation of others…to heinous acts of cruelty…to public protests of this issue or that one, and much more. Sometimes, we are shocked by these words and actions…but quite often, these behaviors come as no surprise, given the reputation of the people involved.

I am not condoning these exploits and comments.  But we have come to expect a certain level of behavior – or misbehavior – from quite a few folks.  By the same token…we know people of integrity who consistently offer truth, grace, mercy, kindness, and wisdom in their daily living.  As the old saying goes…”It takes all kinds.”

Even a person of utmost character and uprightness will have his/her detractors.  Jesus certainly said or did nothing to deserve to be slapped around, spit upon, beaten to a pulp and crucified.  He didn’t say or do anything different to merit such cruelty from the high priests after His arrest. His message was consistent…His actions were unwavering.  Yet Jesus was persecuted. And on our best day as Christian disciples, you and I will be subject to criticism and unfair assessment, as well.

OUR JOB is to remain steady in our faith and witness…to develop a reputation for upright character and fairness – and to do everything we can to never falter.  There will be those who want to trip us up…or judge us without merit.  There will even be people who say unkind things about us – and maybe spread malicious (and untrue) rumors about us to disparage our character.  They will look for the least little thing to jump on and “slap us around.”  So we must bring our “A-game” at all times!

What sort of reputation do you have with others?  Are you “one of those” from whom ugly, disrespectful comments and actions or outbursts are expected?  Do you give others reason to question your discipleship and loyalty to Christ?  Or are you known as someone who is consistent in his/her faithfulness and witness?  Are you able to rise above criticism and disparagement from those who might try to denigrate your efforts to share the Good News of Jesus…and continue to serve Him with dignity and honor?  And are you careful not to criticize or judge others?

What is your level of commitment to serving Jesus – and to serving others in His name?  When someone “slaps you around,” how do you react? Let Christ’s example be your model.  Honor your commitment to Him by always going the extra mile…even when the devil puts obstacles and distractions in your path. This will probably happen at some point…will you be ready to handle it?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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