Daily Devotional for September 21, 2011

1 Kings 11:9-13
The LORD God of Israel had appeared to Solomon two times and warned him not to worship foreign gods. But Solomon disobeyed and did it anyway. This made the LORD very angry, and he said to Solomon:

You did what you wanted and not what I told you to do. Now I'm going to take your kingdom from you and give it to one of your officials. But because David was your father, you will remain king as long as you live. I will wait until your son becomes king, then I will take the kingdom from him. When I do, I will still let him rule one tribe, because I have not forgotten that David was my servant and Jerusalem is my city.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A young friend of ours recently injured his ankle in a football game. The injury does not appear to be as bad as everyone thought initially, but there is still injury and stress on the ankle that has to heal. The young man is anxious to get back on the football field as conference play begins. Like many other adults, we have cautioned him to be patient and make sure he is fully healed. I have especially tried to share my own experience with a broken ankle and torn ligaments… encouraging him to do all of the recommended therapies and take the needed time to repair this damage. I’ve told him, “When you are my age, you will be glad you listened!”

In my twenties, a doctor told me, “Today’s runners are tomorrow’s arthritics!” I laughed as I looked at this overweight physician who was counseling a slender, healthy woman who ran as much as six miles a day. Now, when I walk up and down our stairs on a rainy day, my knees remind me of this doctor’s words! I am not saying that running is bad for you, but I should have paced myself more and paid attention. I have found other ways to exercise and stay in shape, but I listen to my body now and treat my joints with respect and care!

When I read this scripture passage, I was immediately struck by two things… 1) God loves us, no matter what… and He will never go back on His promises; and 2) sometimes our consequences are not immediate… but that doesn’t mean we got a free pass! God loved David passionately – and the feeling was mutual. David was not perfect, but he never loved anyone but God. David’s son, Solomon, on the other hand, was dazzled by wealth and fame… women and power… and he made them the focus of his devotion. While God did not blast Solomon with great and immediate punishment for this, He did promise to strip him of everything by taking the kingdom from Solomon’s heirs. Solomon’s legacy was everything to him… so losing it to another lineage was huge! This reminds me of the adage, “Pay now, or pay later.”

Know this… God will never turn His back on you completely, if you have confessed your sins and asked Him to save you. He will never change His mind about loving you.  But He will have consequences if you disobey and turn your back on Him. You may not see it for years to come. You may play fast and loose with alcohol and drugs, overeating, gambling, flitting from one job to another and getting in and out of all kinds of relationships with seemingly minor consequences or adjustments in your daily living. You may treat others poorly and live by the philosophy, “What’s in it for me?” But some day, this will all change. God will remind you of your indiscretions and poor choices, and He will mete out His justice for your disobedience and disloyal actions.

So how do you stop this? How do you turn things around now before “the shoe falls?” Turn back to God. Stop what you are doing and humbly confess that you have not been obedient and loyal. You have worshipped other things… people, money, alcohol, drugs and more. You have allowed Satan to present you with false idols, and you have worshipped them. You think more of yourself than you should and have elevated yourself to a status that you do not deserve… one that God did not give you. Tell God you are sorry, and that you are making significant changes. Kick your false idols to the curb, and ask God to help you make a fresh start. He will gladly do this!

If I had listened to the doctor in my twenties, I might have still been able to run a few miles without pain in my thirties and forties. My knees might not be a better barometer than the local weatherman. If Solomon had just taken a step back and looked at what he was doing, he could have returned to God’s favor. Don’t be stubborn. Don’t be blinded by the glitz and lure of sins and vices. Recognize these tools of the devil… turn around and walk the other way- toward God - and enjoy His blessings and protection... now and always.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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