Daily Devotional for November 2, 2011

Psalm 123
Our LORD and our God, I turn my eyes to you, on your throne in heaven. Servants look to their master, but we will look to you, until you have mercy on us. Please have mercy, LORD! We have been insulted more than we can stand, and we can't take more abuse from those proud, conceited people.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When was the last time you were insulted? I bet it wasn’t that long ago! It seems like the whole world deals in insults these days. It may have been something as seemingly small as a “dig” from a “friend” on Facebook about your political leanings. Or your “friend” may have hacked into your account and posted a dumb (and insulting) status about you… like “Mike plays with dolls” or “Susan is my favorite daughter. I love her the most.”

Or you may have been insulted on a larger scale… embarrassed by a coworker or boss in front of your peers, or by a spouse in front of friends and family. Someone may have been critical of your weight or appearance – or how you dress – someone may have tried to put you down and make you feel dumb. The media insults us several times a day. We’re not smart enough to make good decisions, so the advertisers want to make them for us. The reason you can’t sleep at night is because you don’t take XYZ pill. And if you will only eat a carton or two of ABC yogurt each day, you’ll be fit and trim and never have to diet again. What were we thinking?!

Still others want us to feel inferior because of our faith… or how we worship. Maybe you are ridiculed or made to feel badly by those who attend another church or belong to another denomination… or a different political party. Perhaps others are assuming all sorts of things about you without checking their facts… then making accusations and judgments that really sting, based on these inaccuracies. At the end of the day, we all have times when we are fed up and frustrated by the insults of others… and we are ready for mercy. Sadly, we may be the ones hurling some of those insults… and for that, we need mercy, also.

Thankfully, we serve a God who can rescue us. He stands ready to comfort us when we are hurting… and to correct us and guide our steps when we need that, as well! All we have to do is turn to God… look up and ask for His help… and trust Him to deliver. We must be open – and honest – and hear what God has to say (and listen with an obedient heart). But God will never leave us to fend for ourselves.

When was the last time you turned to God? Are you wallowing in self-pity from the insults of this world… or are you trusting Him to make things better - to shower you with grace, mercy, and unconditional love? Have you asked God to guide your steps and help you avoid insults toward others? Have you asked Him to rescue you from the slings and arrows that may come your way? We can stop the abuse… both the getting and the giving. Turn your eyes toward the heavens and say, “Lord, help me!” He can… and He will. Are you looking upward?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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