Daily Devotional for April 23, 2012

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Everything you were taught can be put into a few words:

Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about. God will judge everything we do, even what is done in secret, whether good or bad.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If someone asked you what your sole purpose in life is, what would you tell them? Why do you suppose you are here? What has God placed you on this earth to accomplish? There is a “short answer” to this question… and it is the same for all Christians – or should be. Our sole purpose in life is to walk in the fear of the LORD and keep His commandments.

Let this soak in for a minute. If our primary purpose in life is to respect and revere God and keep His commandments, won’t this affect every aspect of our lives? If God has called you to be a great physician, and you spend your life working to keep others healthy, you have fulfilled God’s desires for you… if you have kept His commandments at the same time. If God calls you to be a teacher, lawyer, builder, laborer, mother, father, pastor, policeman, coach, salesman, farmer… or whatever… and you do this to the best of your ability and keep His commandments, you have fulfilled your purpose in life.

When we try to do anything on our own… or when we ignore God’s commandments and do things the way we want, we are fulfilling our own purposes – not God’s. If we try to minister to others while we are not walking in the fear of the LORD and His commandments, we can really mess things up. I know that God wants me to share this message with you today, because He has revealed it to me twice in the last two hours. My daily devotional from the book God Calling spoke of learning to “be” for God rather than “speak” for Him. In other words, we are far more effective witnesses for God when we live in a manner that exhibits respect, reverence and obedience for His commandments than when we try to tell someone else how to live for God. Sometimes, we need to be quiet and let the actions of our life speak for us rather than try to “win someone to the LORD” with our words.

Show others what your sole purpose is by showing them your “soul purpose.” Live in such a way that it is evident to all who know you that your primary purpose is to serve God and obey His commands. Show God how much you love Him by following His commandments and operating within His will for your life. In doing so, you will say to everyone you meet that the fear of the LORD is the foundation of all happiness. Keeping God’s commandments will open the door for God to reveal His will for your life… and bless you and others in your path.

What is your “sole purpose” today… and what is your “soul purpose?” Are they the same thing? Shouldn’t they be?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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