Daily Devotional for May 27, 2014

2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
This is only one example of the fair, just way God does things, for he is using your sufferings to make you ready for his Kingdom, while at the same time he is preparing judgment and punishment for those who are hurting you.

And so I would say to you who are suffering, God will give you rest along with us when the Lord Jesus appears suddenly from heaven in flaming fire with his mighty angels, bringing judgment on those who do not wish to know God and who refuse to accept his plan to save them through our Lord Jesus Christ. They will be punished in everlasting hell, forever separated from the Lord, never to see the glory of his power when he comes to receive praise and admiration because of all he has done for his people, his saints. And you will be among those praising him because you have believed what we told you about him.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

"Living well is the best revenge."
"He/she will pay for this!"
"Don’t get mad – get even!"

You’ve no doubt heard these old adages…or maybe even spoken them yourself.  We don’t like it when we are mistreated, and the first instinct is to retaliate – to get even…to seek revenge.  If we are completely honest, this can become quite tiresome – even exhausting.  Just the energy we expend on being hurt and upset over things others have said or done is enough to wear us out and drag down our spirit.

But there is GOOD NEWS!  We can take a page from the popular theme song of a recent children’s movie and “Let It Go!”  We can give God our burdens and our sufferings and say, “LORD, I know this isn’t right…but only You can change it.”  God may very well use our sufferings in some manner to help us grow in our faith – or to further His Kingdom.  He may punish the person who has “done us wrong” – or not!  But at the end of the day, we can rest well - knowing that whatever needs to be done, God will handle it for us!

I don’t know about you, but this really helps me!  I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired…of wasting time and energy on hurts and insults and disappointments of any kind.  I’m ready to set aside negative talk and stop paying attention to bad attitudes on social media – and in the world at large.  I’m ready to give all of these sufferings and burdens to God and truly REST and refresh in His presence.  What about you?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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