Daily Devotional for April 3, 2016

Ephesians 2:8-9
You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. It isn’t something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“Look what I got!”  Have you ever said this?  Have you ever showed a gift to someone else and said, “Look what XYZ got me!” as if you had really done something special.  In truth, you did nothing to merit this gift…someone presented it to you out of love and care.  Still, we seem to act as if we really earned such a present!

I heard a sermon lately in which the pastor made a very good point about the crucifixion – and our relationship to it.  He noted that during the beatings, the trials and “kangaroo court” that was conducted prior to Jesus' “conviction,” Jesus never spoke.  Over and again, Jesus was asked who He really was…or why He didn’t save himself.  And we find multiple notations in scripture where Jesus said nothing.

Then, when soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross…when His hands and feet were spiked to the wood, and He hung there for all to see…He asked God to “forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”  The pastor pointed out that many – perhaps including you and I – have internalized this to mean that we must forgive others for how they treat us.  And in doing so…we have effectively elevated ourselves to a position on the cross - right along with Jesus. 

This is absolutely not the case!  We could never do what Jesus did…suffer the physical blows that He was dealt…endure His torture and agony – much less ask God to forgive those who did these horrific things to us.  In truth, WE are the Roman soldiers, just as much as the men who stood there and drove the nails or flung the whip.

So this amazing, incredible, indescribable gift of salvation for ALL of our sins is completely that – a GIFT!  We did nothing to earn it.  There is no way we can repay Jesus for it.  He gave freely, from His heart…because He cared.  So we have no business telling others, “Look what I’ve got!” or “See what I’ve done!” – because we have not done a single thing.  It’s all Jesus.  I am reminded of a phrase that the late actor Walter Brennan made famous on a TV western in the 60s…”The Guns of Will Sonnet.”  Brennan’s character, an old army scout, liked to tell people that he could draw his gun faster than his son.  He would qualify this statement by saying…”No brag – just fact!”

In this case, we would have to say, “No brag…just JESUS!”  The FACT is that Jesus died for our sins and saved us - and we are called to live in humble gratitude …to honor Him with our servanthood and obedience.  We are to let others know that Jesus will extend this same gift to anyone who will surrender to Him and accept His offer.  We must live in such a way that others see the gift we have been given – and want in on it for themselves.  “No brag…just JESUS!”  He deserves all of the credit for our salvation and redemption. Have you been giving Him all that is due?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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