Daily Devotional for March 11, 2010

March 11 ~ Psalm 40:4
You bless all of those who trust you, LORD, and refuse to worship idols or follow false gods.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My husband and I were driving back from the Gulf South Basketball tournament in Memphis, and he asked me, “If you were handed $1 million, what would you do with it?” Of course, we both agreed that about $300,000 would go to taxes, so let’s say you were handed $700,000 cash… how would you spend it? I had trouble deciding for certain what I would do, but I mentioned investing some and giving some to charity. My husband added, “What if you were only in your twenties… what would you do with it then?” Surely the answers would be different – a house, a car, things would probably top the list!

The point is that as we mature, we hopefully learn what is truly important. We learn the proper order of priority for certain things in our lives. And hopefully, God and His work tops the list! There is a movement afoot today in certain circles to show people how the more we give, the more we are blessed. This runs counter to what many believe, but it is true. And the more we give of ourselves to God… not just physically, but also our heart and our faith in Him – and our service to others… the more He blesses us.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss a single blessing of God. His blessings have become top shelf with me. Serving Him and trusting Him are not always easy, but to do otherwise is no longer an option. Am I selling everything I have and moving to an under-developed country? No! Am I looking for more ways to serve in my own back yard? Absolutely! Am I playing the lottery to get funds for my projects? No way! I’m trusting God to show me where to serve, how to afford and accomplish this… and to bless the outcome. Everything else is just gravy. What would YOU do with $1 million windfall? Who or what would be at the top of YOUR list?

©2009 Debbie Robus

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