Daily Devotional for March 25, 2010

March 25 ~ Luke 24:46-48
He told them: "The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. They also say that all people of every nation must be told in my name to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. So beginning in Jerusalem, you must tell everything that has happened."

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Suppose someone knew some really great news that would help you tremendously. Let’s say, for instance, that you were sick, and someone knew exactly how to make you feel better – or even cure you – but he/she kept the information from you. Let’s say you desperately needed a job, and family members and friends knew of several companies that were hiring, but they never bothered to let you know… and you did not have access to this information any other way. Or, let’s say that someone let you walk around all day with a hole in your pants or your skirt tucked into your underwear… and nobody told you about this and saved you from further embarrassment. Thankfully, most of these scenarios are unlikely today, especially given the lightning speed with which “news” travels over phone lines and Internet social networks.

Now consider if the disciples had not shared the knowledge of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection with others. Suppose that there was limited firsthand information about the crucifixion from those who observed it. Maybe the word traveled as far as nearby villages as people ventured away and spread the news. But suppose that nobody ever told about the empty grave… the rolled away stone… the resurrection of Jesus on the third day. What would have happened? Wouldn’t this negate the entire sacrifice and effort of Jesus on our behalf? If we didn’t know about Jesus… and about His sacrifices and the fact that He rose on the third day and is ALIVE… how would we ever come to know Him and believe in Him? How would we ever learn of His promises – and our promise of a home with Him for eternity?

The simple fact is that someone had to tell. Jesus commanded His disciples to tell everything that had happened… but only after He empowered them with His Holy Spirit? Why was this important? Because, as humans, we tend to color things a bit… make them fuzzy around the edges… sugarcoat the rough stuff or operate in fear instead of love. Jesus wanted to make sure that His Holy Spirit led us as we shared His story and message. But He definitely wants it to be shared! And honestly, if we can tell half the world on Facebook that someone just saw Miley Cyrus shopping in a department store, can’t we tell others about Jesus Christ and how He bought and paid for our sins on the cross and now LIVES with our Heavenly Father? Can’t we share the message of how Jesus has changed our life and will do the same for others? Can’t we ask the Holy Spirit to lead us in sharing the Good News with every nation?

God has given us everything we need to accomplish this – Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, technology and communication tools galore. Now all we have to do is get up and get going. We have people to tell… Good News to share! We must tell everything that has happened and encourage everyone to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. Who have you told this news today?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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