Daily Devotional for March 29, 2010

March 29 ~ Romans 8:10-11
But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even though your bodies must die because of your sins. Yet God raised Jesus to life! God's Spirit now lives in you, and he will raise you to life by his Spirit.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I saw a television show once in which a child asked his father what happens to us when we die. The dad took a glove and put it on his hand. Then he removed it and wiggled his fingers. He said, “The glove is like our body.” Pulling it off his hand, he added, “When our body dies, the soul inside still lives… just in another form.” I’ve thought about this simple analogy often – the concept of our body as a “glove” for our spirit.

Let’s think about gloves for a minute. Some gloves are heavy-duty and made of strong fabric or leather for manual labor like carpentry, farming, or working with things that are rough and dirty. We’ve all seen filthy work gloves that have been used for this purpose. And those dirty gloves are protecting the hands underneath. Once the gloves are removed, the hands inside are hopefully fairly clean, soft and free of scratches and blisters.

A few decades ago, a lady almost never left home without her gloves. She had gloves to match every outfit, and dress gloves were always worn to church! Even when dining out, a lady removed only one glove and kept it in her lap while she ate! Of course, her hands remained soft and supple inside the gloves.

The thing is… each person’s “gloves” are different. And once the gloves come off, we may each use our hands differently, but they still move and function without the gloves. This is, very simply, how our lives are with God. Some of us wear some pretty filthy gloves… caked with sin and hard living, while others wear nicer gloves. All of the gloves can get dirty from time to time – because we are all sinful. But if we accept Jesus, when the “gloves” come off, our spirit is still alive… clean and free of scratches and blemishes…ready to live forever with our Heavenly Father!

I know this is an oversimplified illustration. But think about your life as a glove. What does it look like? Are you still wearing an old dirty work glove, caked with the grime and filth of sin? Or have you put on your fancy dress glove? When you die and the “glove” comes off, what will be underneath? Will your spirit rise to new life by God’s Spirit? Just what sort of “glove” are you wearing these days? Are you alive in Christ Jesus?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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