Daily Devotional for March 9, 2010

March 9 ~ Jeremiah 17:7
But I will bless those who trust me. They will be like trees growing beside a stream -- trees with roots that reach down to the water, and with leaves that are always green. They bear fruit every year and are never worried by a lack of rain.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

As I took a long walk on a recent warm, sunny day, I counted my blessings. I remembered a day three years ago this week when I stepped off a 4-foot porch and crashed to the ground, breaking my ankle and tearing many ligaments in my foot. As I hobbled on crutches, sat on the couch for weeks and did daily therapy to recover, I trusted God to allow me to walk again… and now I can trek several miles without any trouble. A couple of years ago, I bent over to pick up a plate from the dishwasher, and my back went into excruciating spasms. For the next week, I lay in bed trying to find a comfortable position, and trusting God to heal me and allow me to stand up again. Today, I almost never think about my back. I lift and carry our baby nephew, Timothy, who weighs over 22 lbs. I bend and stretch and walk – and even unload the dishwasher(!), because God blessed me.

When the doctor told me that my brother would either respond to antibiotics or be dead in a week from an infection, I trusted God for the outcome, and we were blessed with six more months together. When we became weary from working night and day in our business, my husband and I trusted God to bring us a solution – and He sent us a buyer. Knowing we would not entrust our “baby” to just anyone, God chose buyers who were our friends – people we knew would care deeply for our business. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

When you are worried or even mildly concerned over the outcome for your health situation, trust God and be blessed. When you need to sell your house, and buyers are not coming forward quickly, trust God for His timing… and a blessed result. When too much rain – or not enough – affects your crops, yard, business, or leisure activities… trust God to rectify the situation in the best manner. When you are facing a difficult test or some challenge that seems insurmountable, trust God and see how well He orchestrates things. When you are struggling in a relationship and things just don’t ever seem to even out, trust God to do the smoothing… and watch His blessings flow.

We need to “stop and smell the roses.” We need to trust God and believe Him for the situations in our lives. And when He delivers - and blesses – we need to notice! Are you trusting God to meet your needs and to bless your life? Have you thanked Him today for blessings you have already received? Are you “letting go and letting God” have authority over your life? Isn’t it time you did?

©2009 Debbie Robus

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