Daily Devotional for November 13, 2012

Matthew 12:11-13
Jesus answered, “If you had a sheep that fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you lift it out? People are worth much more than sheep, and so it is right to do good on the Sabbath.” Then Jesus told the man, “Hold out your hand.” The man did, and it became as healthy as the other one.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last week, I visited with my grandmother. I can never stay long enough with her… she always asks in one way or another, “What’s your hurry?” Last week, I explained (in terms I felt such a hard worker as she would understand) that… “I have to go home and get our laundry done and clean our house. I’m way behind on such things.” Even though a stroke has left her unable to say more than a word or two, she managed to convey… “still there.” In other words, the chores would keep! And she was right. This is the same woman who frequently commented that she didn’t feel well as she hurried out the door to do something – often for someone else – and added, “I won’t feel a bit worse there than I would sitting at home.”

What’s my point? To me, this passage is about much more than keeping the Sabbath. In actuality, Jesus is “schooling” us on priorities. We have choices to make every day. Yes, our rooms and homes have to get cleaned. Yes, we have jobs, school work, laundry, meals to prepare, yards to mow and vehicles to wash – and our own families to see after and care about. Yes, we have to take care of certain things first… we must prioritize. But we also have to look at the “fringe” activities and choose whether to minister to others in Jesus’ name or satisfy our own selfish interests.

Do you really have to watch that program on television? Could you record it for later viewing… or skip it altogether? Is it more important that you spend the next few weeks in a frenzy over Christmas shopping and attending parties… or finding ways to help those less fortunate for whom Christmas is anything but a joyful occasion? Is there someone who needs to hear from you today? Should you spend a little time sending a note or e-mail – or making a phone call – or is it more important that you have that second cup of coffee while reading the morning newspaper? Will the world come to an end if you let a few things go in the next month or two while you help a senior citizen downsize and prepare for a move to a smaller residence… or tutor a child or young person who is studying for major exams or trying to improve test scores?

What if you gave up the next several Saturdays to help a young person earn a scouting badge… or forfeited an afternoon of decorating your own home for Christmas in order to decorate your church facilities… or put a few wreaths and baubles up at the home of an elderly shut-in… or visit someone in a nursing home or hospital for whom Christmas will pretty well come and go without fanfare?

Exactly where do your priorities lie? Just as Jesus demonstrated that doing the LORD’s work on the Sabbath was more important than observing the date on the calendar… He is calling on each of us to set aside our own agendas when He presents us with an opportunity to serve. I managed to get my house clean and the laundry done… but I’m still working on the ironing. And I’ll get there. I have discovered that laying aside my own agenda to serve in the LORD’s army often gives me renewed energy for completing the tasks on my own list. Somehow, He shows us where/how to get everything done that is necessary. Are you willing to discover this for yourself?

I don’t know what your “sheep in the ditch” moments will be… but I know God will present them to you. The question is… how will you respond?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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