Daily Devotional for November 9, 2012

Matthew 10:32-39
“Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I’ll cover for you?

“Don’t think I’ve come to make life cozy. I’ve come to cut—make a sharp knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and mother-in-law—cut through these cozy domestic arrangements and free you for God. Well-meaning family members can be your worst enemies. If you prefer father or mother over me, you don’t deserve me. If you prefer son or daughter over me, you don’t deserve me.

“If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you’ll find both yourself and me.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Someone was telling me recently about visiting the home of a friend, and there was a pillow in one room that said, “It’s all about ME!” Sadly, this is not a joke for some of us! Many people function in this world under the assumption that it truly is all about them. Their focus is on their own agenda… the next purchase…who is paying attention to them… what is happening in their own little circle… and how they appear to others – on every level.

Forget asking these people to change their plans or forego a “treat” for themselves to help someone else. Remember, it’s all about them! Never mind asking them to put the needs of another person ahead of their own… or to say, I had planned to give such-and-such to my parents or my child… but this person is in dire straits and needs it worse, so I will proceed in a different direction.

When it comes to our Christian Discipleship, even more of us have a problem in this area. Ask yourself… “Would I be willing to forego a daily/semi-weekly cup of specialty coffee or a large soft drink in order to sponsor a child in Compassion, International or help another worthwhile charity? Could I give up an hour or so a week of doing something I really enjoy in order to help someone who had a physical need I could meet… running errands, help with lawn maintenance, delivering Meals on Wheels, giving a shut-in a ride somewhere, etc.? What if I turned off my television each day for one hour and spent that time in quiet prayer and meditation for others?”

I don’t know what God is calling you to do. I don’t know where your path to Discipleship leads you. But I do know that a lot of us are far less obedient and selfless in these areas than we ought to be. When it comes to our Christian witness and Discipleship, more than a handful of us could sport a pillow that says “It’s all about ME.”

I’m asking you to examine your heart… and your lifestyle… and see where you are acting selfishly and with a self-centered heart. Then ask God to help you turn things around. Start operating from a place of incredible generosity… the old “give until it hurts – and then some” mentality. I’m not talking about money, per se… unless that is what God asks you to give. I’m talking time, talents, energy - whatever He requests. Be willing to give…and then give some more. Stand up for God, and He will stand up for you! Life may not always be cozy,but you will be blessed. You will know that you can someday stand before God with honor and the confidence that you went all the way with Him. You gave everything you had to give… and then some.

If it’s all about GOD, He will see that your needs are met in the bargain. And when God meets your needs, nothing is lacking…and He is truly enough. Aren’t you ready for this? Won’t you ask God to help you change your focus?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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