Daily Devotional for November 6, 2012

Matthew 10:12-15
“When you knock on a door, be courteous in your greeting. If they welcome you, be gentle in your conversation. If they don’t welcome you, quietly withdraw. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way. You can be sure that on Judgment Day they’ll be mighty sorry—but it’s no concern of yours now.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

According to an article on www.ehow.com titled “What Are My Rights With a Court Processor?”… “A court processor serves legal documents. He delivers them to the person to whom the document is intended. The documents can include complaints, subpoenas, summons, writs, order to show cause and various other legal documents. A person can try to evade a court processor, but they're trained, they know every trick in the book, and they will find you eventually. Even if you refuse to accept the documents, you have still been technically served.” Read more: What Are My Rights With a Court Processor?
eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8394480_rights-court-processor.html#ixzz2BPoqjp5r

I don’t think I’d be very good at this job! Clearly, a court processor cannot become emotionally invested. His/her job is to deliver the documents. Whether the recipient is happy about it is truly none of the court processor’s concern. I would imagine that he/she must develop the ability to stay calm and not overreact… to do the job, deliver the papers, and be on his/her way.

We Christians are essentially “court processors” for Jesus. Our job is to deliver His Good News… to tell others about Him, to serve in His name, and to model love of others, grace, mercy, forgiveness and compassion. We are to be diligent in our ministry…but comport ourselves in a kind, calm manner. We are to quietly go about our business – which is the business of representing Jesus to others. We are not to make a scene. If people are receptive to us and our message, that’s wonderful. If not, we must lovingly and quietly retreat. Our only responsibility is to “serve the documents” – not to act as judge and jury… or try to force Jesus on anyone - in any way.

This is not easy for many Christians. We want to go in, “guns blazing,” and save the world for Jesus! We cram our faith and morals down others’ throats, quote scripture, act all high and mighty and “holier than thou”… and then we wonder why people don’t want to be around us! We are quick to judge those who don’t agree with us. We are overbearing in our presentation of a life in Christ, and basically, we give others the impression (if not the outright claim) that “it’s pretty much my way or the highway!”

This is not the way to win friends and influence people, much less add to the Kingdom of Heaven! Remember… our “job guidelines” as Christians are very specific. We are to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ with others in a calm, quiet, graceful manner, and then we are to step aside and allow God room to work. If we are mistreated or given a poor reception, this is not an invitation to press harder. We are to move on… to say, “LORD, I’ve been obedient… I’ve planted the seeds… I’m trusting you for the outcome.”

What about you? Are you a gentle witness… a respectable “court processor” for Jesus Christ? Or are you pushy and overbearing… and as a result, fairly ineffective? Ask God to show you where you have allowed your personal feelings and emotions get in the way of truly serving Him… and serving well. Call on Him to reveal where – and how – you can improve your “processing” skills. Cultivate your ability to effectively deliver the message of Jesus to others… and then to faithfully move on with confidence that the outcome is not up to you. This is the “let go and let God” thing again! If people answer your knock at the door, will they be glad that they did?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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