Daily Devotional for March 31, 2016

Acts 7:54-60
The Jewish leaders were stung to fury by Stephen’s accusation and ground their teeth in rage. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. And he told them, “Look, I see the heavens opened and Jesus the Messiah standing beside God, at his right hand!”

Then they mobbed him, putting their hands over their ears, and drowning out his voice with their shouts, and dragged him out of the city to stone him. The official witnesses—the executioners—took off their coats and laid them at the feet of a young man named Paul.

And as the murderous stones came hurtling at him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And he fell to his knees, shouting, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” and with that, he died.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like in so many ways, I have often failed to keep “the main thing” the main thing!  When “life” gets in the way, it’s sometimes hard to focus on what really matters, because we get stuck “in the weeds” of illness…death and the “business” that must be attended to afterward…holidays…work…studies…kids and their activities/needs…caregiving…and so much more.  We look up and realize that we have not spent much quality time with God. 

Oh, sure, we’ve talked to God and asked Him for help…strength…courage…stamina…and healing.  We’ve thrown out some desperate cries for His attention.  We might have even mentioned to someone else that we are getting through the days “only because of the grace of God.”  But are we really focused on Him?  Are we truly engaged in living for Jesus and sharing His Good News with others?

If you have a few minutes today, please read the entire seventh chapter of Acts.  Stephen was witnessing and preaching in Jerusalem, and as we read in Verse 9, he met up with “the Jewish cult of ‘The Freedmen’… joined by Jews from Cyrene, Alexandria in Egypt, and the Turkish provinces of Cilicia, and Asia Minor.”  Basically, Stephen gave these men a history lesson of Old Testament scripture, then accused them of resisting the Holy Spirit – and killing Jesus.  It was more than the group could handle…and they dragged Stephen out to the edge of town and stoned him to death.

I am struck by Stephen’s words as he saw the heavens open up and Jesus appeared.  He asked Jesus to receive his spirit…and also to forgive these men who were killing him. This was a truly amazing demonstration of “keeping the main thing the main thing.”  Even in the midst of this horrific act, Stephen was focused on Jesus.  And while hopefully, none of us will ever be literally stoned to death, this scripture passage has practical application for each of us.

Surely there have been times when you wrestled with which way to turn.  On one hand, you could “do the right thing” and face the ridicule (or even wrath) of those around you.  Your choice to honor God with your commitment and daily living might be uncomfortable in a lot of ways. Despite our best efforts to please God, there will be times when we fall short, because we are human. As I sifted through memories and “treasures” my mother saved, I found a 7-year baby book.  In it, she wrote an account of my 2nd birthday party, which included several invited guests.  Mother noted that “Debbie fought with Robin (my cousin, who was also two!), as usual…and Mommy was embarrassed.”  Trust me…it was not the last time I embarrassed my mother!  I know she loved me, but I could easily picture her greeting me with outstretched arms - and a look of disappointment on her face!

So often, we buckle when things get hard and take the easy way out.  And Stephen could have easily done this.  He could have “folded his tent” and moved on and left these rabble-rousers to believe and act as they pleased.  He could also have condemned them for stoning him to death and asked Jesus to “pour out your wrath” on these evil men!  But this would not have honored Stephen’s commitment to Jesus - or his trust in Him to handle such matters according to His will.  And the account of Stephen’s reaction as he saw the gates of Heaven open and His Lord standing there to greet him illustrates the consolation. 

I cling to the thought that when it’s all said and done, Jesus will great me at Heaven’s gate with outstretched arms and a look of delight.  It will make everything worthwhile, won’t it?  So I am working to make better choices…to keep the main thing (Jesus) the MAIN THING!  I am trying to let Him handle other people and mete out justice as He determines.  I look forward to the day when I can say with confidence, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” and see His welcoming smile.  What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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