Daily Devotional for June 17, 2016

James 5:16
Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Timothy just cracks me up sometimes.  He is the world’s worst to tell on himself!  He will have a little “incident” at our house, and we will work through it and say, “It’s over and done.  Let’s move on.”  He might even ask, “Are you going to tell my mom?”  We will tell him that there is no need for anyone else to know about what happened.  And the first thing Timothy will say when he sees his mother is, “I was bad,” or “I had a problem” or some form of a “confession.”

Oh, bless this child and his innocence!  Someday all too soon, he will probably learn to keep his “faults” to himself.  It’s what we do.  We pretend to the world that everything is wonderful…that we don’t make mistakes…that we don’t have struggles with everything from addictions to relationships to physical ailments and illnesses. In the words of the old Gillette Company antiperspirant commercial, we never let them see us sweat!

We are often far too proud to ask for prayer.  This is such a simple request with incredibly powerful results…but we just cannot bring ourselves to do it – not even to our closest friends and relatives.  We barely admit to God that we require help!  We surely don’t want anyone else to know that we are just like everyone else – weak and SINFUL and in need of corporate intercession.

You don’t have to announce your deepest, darkest secrets to the world.  But find someone you love and trust, and let them in just a little.  Admit to this person that you have an area where you need prayer…and allow them to share in your burden – and your petitions.  You will be amazed at the results - and the blessings - as you share your faith and discipleship with another.

So let’s take a page from a 7-year-old’s book today and “tell on ourselves.”  Let’s let others see us sweat, just a little…in order that we can receive the benefits of their prayers and support.  Let’s pray for others and receive THEIR confessions and prayer requests without passing judgment.  And together, let’s begin to heal by the power of Jesus.  Are you ready?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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