Daily Devotional for June 30, 2016

Matthew 7:6
“Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
My brother had a little rat terrier named Frisker, who lived with my grandparents on their farm.  My grandparents fed Frisker table scraps after each meal…and let me tell you, that dog ate well! Later on, my sister’s white Labrador retriever, Otis, ended up living with my parents, and my dad fed him food from the table…namely ice cream that Otis licked from a spoon.  But Daddy bragged one day that Otis also liked shrimp and steak.  Yes, my dad shared shrimp and steak from his own plate with the family dog!

It probably wasn’t the healthiest idea to feed Frisker the table scraps, but to my grandparents, these were literally the scraps…bits of leftover food that was of no value to anyone else, so the dog just as well eat it.  This was his “dog food.”  But Otis did NOT need shrimp and steak!  If my parents were not going to eat all of the food that was on their plate, they could have served smaller portions and saved the rest to create another meal…or they could have invited someone to join them at their table and enjoy the delicious bounty!  Yes, Otis enjoyed these treats and was “impressed” by them, but honestly, steak and shrimp were pretty well wasted on him.  He was just as happy with what my mother called “crunchies” dog food!

In many ways, this is what you and I do with God’s gifts.  We waste them in ways that do not truly glorify Him or further His kingdom.  We place emphasis on developing catchy phrases and “mission statements”…and we neglect the actual mission.  We’re often more concerned with what it says on our t-shirts than what we are actually doing for others in Jesus’ name.  We’re all about the “production value” of our worship services, while we neglect the heartache that hangs out on every pew.  We surely looked great as we worshipped…but did we really say anything that shared the Good News of Jesus or let anyone know how much He cares about us?

In many translations of this verse, there is a reference to throwing “pearls before swine.”  Our gifts and blessings from God are the pearls…and we often waste them on those who do not see Jesus in our efforts – and/or don’t care!  We “preach to the choir” and neglect those who really need to hear from God.  We give the “good stuff” to the dogs, so to speak, while some who could really use it are left hungry.  We spend our time and energy on “looking Godly” and trying to impress our friends and fellow believers, while those who need us to be the hands and feet of Jesus are left in the shadows - glad to get as much as a scrap of our attention or ministry.

We really need to shift our focus and start paying attention to the mission that God has given us.  We need to be good stewards of His gifts and apply them where He sends us…not where it feels good or makes a big splash.  We need to figure out who is hungry for God’s word or ministry…and feed this desire with all that He has given us.  And we need to start today.  Are you with me?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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