Daily Devotional for February 28, 2010

February 28 ~ Isaiah 45:18-25
The LORD alone is God! He created the heavens and made a world where people can live, instead of creating an empty desert. The LORD alone is God; there are no others.

The LORD did not speak in a dark secret place or command Jacob's descendants to search for him in vain. The LORD speaks the truth, and this is what he says to every survivor from every nation: "Gather around me! Learn how senseless it is to worship wooden idols or pray to helpless gods.

"Why don't you get together and meet me in court? Didn't I tell you long ago what would happen? I am the only God! There are no others. I bring about justice, and have the power to save.

"I invite the whole world to turn to me and be saved. I alone am God! No others are real. I have made a solemn promise, one that won't be broken: Everyone will bow down and worship me.

They will admit that I alone can bring about justice. Everyone who is angry with me will be terribly ashamed and will turn to me. I, the LORD, will give victory and great honor to the people of Israel."

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few years ago, the mother of my childhood friend passed away. At her memorial service, there was a display of her artwork and poetry. I had known this woman for over 50 years, and I had no clue that she did drew and dabbled in pastels and sketches, much less writing. In fact, there were many things told about her that day that surprised several of those who had gathered to celebrate her life. She really kept things private, and to some degree, she “hid her light under a barrel.”

God doesn’t hide anything! He makes it very clear what He has created… He SHINES! And because God is so open about what He has done – and can and will do for us – we know exactly where we will stand – and WHO God is! There is no disputing His power or majesty… so why do we? The evidence substantiating God’s authority and autonomy is very clear, so why do we question His judgment? There is nothing phony or false about God – so why do we become angry with Him when He shows us His way, truth and light? There is nothing empty about God, so why do we turn away from Him?

Let’s live fully and openly in our faith. Let’s embrace a God who has nothing to hide… who created the universe and everything in it and proudly presents His creations – and blesses them! Let’s acknowledge the power and authority of our God – lay down any allegiance to anyone or anything else, and fully LIVE in the abundance that is a life in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God Almighty! Because of God, victory is ours. This is something to celebrate with pride and joy. Are you in?

2009 Debbie Robus

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