April 28 ~ Proverbs 17:1
A dry crust of bread eaten in peace and quiet is better than a feast eaten where everyone argues.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few months ago, my husband and I were shopping in North Little Rock, and we decided to have a nice lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. We were seated in a booth that was tucked into one of the back corners of the establishment, and it appeared we would have a wonderful, quiet lunch. However, there were two women seated in the booth next to us who were having a loud and energetic conversation, and we couldn’t help but be distracted by them… especially when we heard them mention our home town! They took phone calls, they talked and laughed, and clearly they were having a good time and enjoying their meal.

Our meal was delicious, but I have to tell you… I’ve enjoyed a tuna sandwich eaten on our back porch on a warm spring or fall day more than I did dining next to those two women. Somehow the “noise” of birds and squirrels chirping trumps the enthusiastic conversation of complete strangers in my book!

This scripture passage is about so much more than eating a meal in solitude. It is about turning down the “noise” in our lives and creating “balance.” So many of us are caught up in always being busy – always going places and doing things – and we don’t know how to sit and simply “be.” We don’t know how to enjoy the quiet solitude of an hour spent sitting and listening to the sounds of nature. We surely don’t have the capacity to spend quiet time alone with God! We want action, adventure, people – and lots of “noise!” But this verse is telling us that “less is more!”

We need to “turn down the volume.” We need to realize that constant stimulation in the form of activity and action and noise does not always spell contentment! Try turning off the television, cancelling an activity or two, and sitting quietly for a while. Whether you eat a sandwich on your back step or just sit on your couch and meditate on your blessings, I’m betting you will find yourself refreshed and more contented when you rise. Less really can be more… try it… you might just be surprised at the results!

©2010 Debbie Robus

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