Daily Devotional for April 7, 2010

April 7 ~ 1 John 4:18
A real love for others will chase those worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows that we have not really learned to love.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

When I was teaching kindergarten students, one of my guidelines for classroom discipline was “The consequences must fit the crime.” My students knew from Day One what would happen if they behaved in a certain manner – and what was expected of them. Consequences were clearly outlined from the start, and these were things that mattered to the children. Taking away a recess or removing them from a fun play activity made a far bigger impact than yelling, screaming, or even a paddling.

It seems that children often learn from a very early age to fear punishment of all sorts. If they touch something they shouldn’t as a toddler, their hands are spanked. They learn to fear the principal in school and the policeman on the street. And sadly, they often learn at an early age to “love Jesus… or else!” And that “else” means fear of eternal banishment to hell.

I grew up attending a church filled with good, loving people… but many of them operated in the “fear factor” realm of Christian faith. Love Jesus, or you would go to hell. I seriously envisioned God sitting in heaven with a chair in one hand and the whip and chains in the other, ready to deliver swift judgment and send anyone who disobeyed Him straight to hell. This is not a happy way to operate as a Christian! As an adult, I discovered the love of God. I came to understand how much He desires a relationship with me… and that God does not operate in “or else.” I serve a God of second, third and fourth chances… and more. He knows my heart. And while I will stumble daily – and sin – in my human nature, I will continue to Him and love Him with all I have.

Once I learned to operate like God does – in love, rather than fear – everything changed. I no longer operate in fear… and I have to tell you, not much frightens me – certainly not death! I serve God now because I want to… not because I feel I must. I know that He will take care of all of my needs, so I do not worry about health, finances, abandonment or loneliness, and more. I may still head for the cellar when a tornado is approaching… and I will always jump and run when someone yells “Snake!” But even those things are under God’s control… and I’m working on letting Him handle them for me.

What is your biggest fear? Is it loneliness? Abandonment? Poor health? Poverty? Death? Do you fear the consequences of certain actions? Do you live for Jesus because you fear being sent to hell if you don’t? Aren’t you ready to chase the worries away and learn to love in the Lord? Aren’t you ready to relax and truly enjoy your faith? Discover God’s love today… dig into the scripture and see what He has in store for you and how much He desires a loving relationship. Learn to live in love instead of fear… and how incredible life in Christ really is.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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