Daily Devotional for October 19, 2010

Proverbs 4:13
Hold firmly to my teaching and never let go. It will mean life for you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If I have learned one thing in recent months, it’s that God is continually teaching us… and we’d better be paying attention! And most recently, Proverbs 3:5-6 has come to my mind more than once as I struggled with some really tough decisions. In the King James Version, it reads, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

The teaching of these two verses alone can make all the difference in the world in our lives. These words truly can mean life for us. And there are many other examples of scriptural teaching that can give us life skills and wisdom that can make a huge difference.

At the end of a recent sermon, our pastor commented that “there’s a heartache on every pew this morning.” And he’s right. Each of us has struggles and challenges every single day. And while some are bigger than others, if they are ours, they seem pretty large, don’t they?!

This leads me back to our passage for today – a message that we are to hold firmly to the teaching of the Lord and never let it go. As I have faced some challenges the last few weeks, I have found that God has impressed the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 on my heart and into my mind more than once. I am not often good at recalling scripture verses, but these were given to me with such clarity. I “remembered” every word… and I meditated on them and clung to their promise. And you know what? God has led me over many hurdles and through several decisions… and He has granted me peace and joy, even when some of the choices I had to make were difficult and/or unpleasant.

During a worship service, we sang, “Jesus conquered the grave.” I distinctly felt the Holy Spirit saying to me, “If I can conquer the grave, surely I can manage your needs. If I can conquer the grave, I can heal bodies, broken hearts, and downtrodden spirits. If I can conquer the grave, I can bring nations together and resolve conflicts.”

This is my teaching for the moment. My God is mighty to save, and He will meet all of my needs according to His will. This is the life-giving instruction I am clinging to for now. Maybe it is yours… or maybe God is showing you another set of scriptures - or speaking to you through prayer, an experience, a fellow believer, or some other format. Whatever teaching you are receiving, hold firmly to it and never let go. Recognize the life-giving essence of God’s instruction, and trust in His power to guide your steps perfectly.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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