Daily Devotional for October 30, 2010

Proverbs 23:19
Listen to me, my children! Be wise and have enough sense to follow the right path.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Recently some former schoolmates of mine were having a discussion on Facebook about climbing Sugar Loaf. One of them said she had never made the climb, and she had heard it is quite dangerous. The rest of us remarked that yes, the climb could possibly be dangerous if you took the wrong path or tried to ascend to the top in the wrong divide in the rocks.

Honestly, the path is pretty clear. There is very little room for error… until you get to the rock outcropping. If you venture too far, you’ll find yourself at a crevice that is too steep and treacherous to climb… and there is a faint path that leads in this direction (probably from those who have so frequently gone too far!). We suggested to this friend that she take someone with her who is familiar with the mountain and has made the climb… a seasoned guide who can “show her the ropes.”

I know you see where I’m going with this. The path to living for Jesus is pretty clear, but there are times we need a Guide to help us with the more difficult areas or to keep us on the right course… and we have One! All we have to do is listen to God… to follow His lead and stay on the path He shows us, and we will “ascend to the top” safely and with relative ease. But so often, we are not sensible. We listen to the voice of the devil whispering in our ear that “our way is better, or more fun, faster, or easier.” And the next thing you know, we’ve made a huge mess of things.

We need to learn to listen to God. We need to pay attention to His guidance and stick to His pathway. He will NEVER steer us wrong. He will ALWAYS keep us safe. And as a bonus, the “views at the Top” are amazing! Who are you listening to these days? Do you have enough sense to follow the right path?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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