Daily Devotional for October 4, 2010

Ecclesiastes 9:17
Words of wisdom spoken softly make much more sense than the shouts of a ruler to a crowd of fools.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Do you know someone who never raises his/her voice … even in a heated discussion? Doesn’t it just make you crazy sometimes that when you are yelling at someone in an argument, this person remains calm and never elevates his/her voice above a normal tone? Maybe these sorts of people have studied Ecclesiastes 9:17 a little more closely than we have!

Lots of people want to shout. I’m particularly struck these days by politicians who stand behind the podium at a rally or a campaign event or press conference and yell and scream and turn blood red as they try vehemently to make their point. It’s almost laughable in many instances, particularly in debates where one candidate gets all “riled up” and the other remains calm and sensible. I don’t know about you, but that yelling and ranting may get my attention – but it doesn’t really sway my vote in that person’s favor!

Equally foolish to me are those who shout at sporting events. I’m not talking about the people who stand and yell and scream and cheer for their teams. I’m talking about the ones who continually berate the referees or team members who make bonehead plays – or coaches they feel are not doing a good job. Or … these people post things on forums and social networking sites, complaining about this ref or that coach or another player and making all sorts of claims and judgments. This is so foolish, and yet many of those who do these very things on one hand want to claim Jesus and a strong relationship with Him on the other. Do we honestly think this makes others want to be more Christ-like? Do we really think this is Christ-like in the first place?

Some of the most effective people are the “silent types.” Some of the most effective Christians are those who carry themselves with grace and poise – and a soft voice. I’m not saying we can’t be friendly and outgoing and “on fire for the Lord,” but when we start yelling and screaming or raising our voices to make our points, particularly about living for Jesus, we pretty well negate the efforts. And when we behave in a loud and boisterous manner that says, “Look at me! Look at me!”, we’re not honoring our relationship with God, either.

We need to be soft-spoken, wise, calm agents for our Heavenly Father. We need to do His work in the softness and quiet of going about our day, speaking gently and kindly to others, and sharing God’s love through our actions as much as our words. We need to stop shouting … period! What tone of voice are you using these days?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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