Daily Devotional for October 3, 2010

Proverbs 18:20
Make your words good -- you will be glad you did.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Several translations of this verse refer to making your words satisfying like a good meal. We all know that sensation – eating our favorite meal … savoring each bite … feeling totally satisfied and full afterward. Now think about eating an unpleasant meal… maybe a food you particularly dislike. I watched chefs on a television cooking competition eat all sorts of strange looking sea creatures … and I winced right along with them at just the thought of having to put those slimy, chewy things in my mouth.

Now that I have grossed you out sufficiently, compare the words you speak to these two very contrasting meals. Kind, loving, positive words fill you and others up like the best, most satisfying meal. Unkind, cruel, improper and indecent words are like the slimy, chewy, disgusting meal that makes you gag. They sit in the heart like a distasteful meal sits on the stomach – heavy, burning, and miserable.

In this context, surely none of us would want to be speaking words that resemble a bad meal, would we?! We want to speak the good things … the love and blessings of Jesus upon our life and others’. We want to say and do things that give people the warm, satisfyingly full sensation of their best meal ever.

How do we do this? A good place to start is by asking God to bless your day and guard your thoughts and words each morning when you rise … to help you to speak only good, positive, kind messages. As we go about our day, we need to pause and think about what we are saying. I will tell you … as I have practiced this lately, I have stopped short of saying several things that I really didn’t need to say. See, the temptation was there … so I still have work to do … but God helped me to realize that I didn’t have to speak what I thought, or He showed me a better way to phrase things. And I know as I listen to Him more and rely on His guidance, I will get better at this and have fewer moments where I “open mouth, insert foot!”

Don’t you want to be known as a person who speaks positively and kindly? Don’t you want to be known as someone who “cooks a good meal” rather than a poor one? I can’t really say it better than Proverbs 18:20, so I will repeat… “Make your words good – you will be glad you did!”

©2010 Debbie Robus

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