Daily Devotional for October 20, 2010

Proverbs 17:28
Even fools seem smart when they are quiet.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

How many times have you assumed you knew what someone else was thinking because that person didn’t say anything to give you another impression? Here’s an example… you are standing with a group of people, and one of them expresses a social opinion about a particular religious group. Many in the crowd speak up and agree with the comments, but a couple of people don’t say a word. How many people in the group do you suppose will assume that those who didn’t speak up are in agreement with what was said?

See, it’s not just what you say and how you say it. As this scripture points out, even foolish people can seem smart when they are not saying anything. Haven’t you ever heard someone say, “I thought Joe was really smart until he opened his mouth!”? We often make assumptions about a person based on their environment, their education level, social status, and more. But unless they communicate with us and express their thoughts and feelings, we can’t be certain of anything.

Why am I sharing this scripture? What importance does it have for us today? I believe that a lot of people are operating heavily in the realm of assumption. If you stand silent while others berate people of other races, religions, lifestyle choices and more, many will assume you endorse these opinions. I’m not saying you have to go on a verbal attack or start participating in public protests. But quite often, we feel like we simply don’t want to get involved… and by default, that’s exactly what we do.

Additionally, if we are silent about our faith, we not only waste opportunities to honor and serve Christ… we pretty well deny our own walk with Him. Not standing up - or speaking up - for the teachings of Jesus… failing to act and speak in a way that conveys our dependence upon the love, grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit and how He works in our lives… is as foolish as the actions and words of a person who says something ridiculous – or downright stupid.

The Christian life is a delicate balance. We must ask God to continually guide our thoughts, words, and deeds. But I would rather open my mouth and stand up for the teachings of my Lord and Savior – and risk seeming foolish – than to stand silent and have others assume I agree with something that denies my faith. I would rather stand up for the values I cherish and risk being ostracized or ridiculed than to remain silent and have those who think differently decide I agree with their opinions. The “delicate balance” comes in how I express my views. I must always remember to behave and speak in a manner that honors God and respects my relationship with Him.

Talk with God and ask Him to show you how and when to speak… and to give you the words and actions that honor your relationship with Him. And the next time you are with someone who remains visibly silent on an issue, do not assume you know what he/she is thinking or feeling. Silence can be a result of great wisdom – or Spiritual foolishness. Make sure you are listening to God as you choose your opportunities to speak up for Him … and the times when your silence is appropriate.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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