Daily Devotional for January 10, 2011

Jeremiah 13:23
Can you ever change and do what's right? Can people change the color of their skin, or can a leopard remove its spots? If so, then maybe you can change and learn to do right.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A decade ago, I was a sun worshipper. My skin is incredibly pale, and I thought a tan made me look better… younger, healthier, and more fit. In the winter, I would skip the tanning bed and give my skin a rest, and I did not like how it looked… pasty, freckled, and almost ghostly! But over time, I realized that I was not really changing my skin… I was just making it age faster. No matter how much time I spend in a tanning bed – or how much I am able to darken my skin – when I stop the process, my skin will once again be pasty white (albeit with more freckles and “sun/age spots” as a result).

In other words, I didn’t really change my skin color, any more than bleaching my hair changes the fact that my “natural color” is a salt-and-pepper combo of dishwater blonde and snowy white. Once I stop spending time in the tanning bed or out in the sun – or going to a hairdresser and having my hair color adjusted – the original color returns. The change is only on the surface.

Sadly, there are some people who seem to treat their relationship with God like tanning or coloring their hair. The results are short-term, and fairly shallow. Once the “new” wears off, old habits and behaviors resurface. The “change” was not from deep within the heart. Maybe these people thought the change was real… maybe they convinced themselves that they had given their heart to God and were committed to following Him and serving as Christ’s disciple. And maybe nobody explained to them that salvation is not the end – it’s the beginning!

Accepting Jesus is the first step… inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell within your heart is vital… but Jesus’ words were, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” He also told us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The rewards of a life in Christ are great… but so is the responsibility. And often, our commitment to God involves incredible, profound, permanent change. I’ll be the first to tell you that this is difficult… and there may be periods when we slip and fall and seem to lose our way for a time. But the key is to get back to God as quickly as possible, to admit your shortcomings and earnestly work to correct them.

Maybe we can’t change our ethnicity or the real color of our hair (at least not once and for all), but with work and dedication… faith and trust in God… we can change our heart to line up more closely with His. Are you willing to do what it takes to make the changes that matter? Is today the day you begin?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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