Daily Devotional for January 13, 2011

Matthew 18:3
Then he said: I promise you this. If you don't change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Timothy has been staying with us lately, and I always marvel at how curious he is… and how we can almost see his thought processes. There are three decorative “nested” metal tins stacked on the floor beside our staircase. Each lid is painted with a picture of angels. Timothy loves them… mostly because the empty tins make a great noise when he bangs them together or on something else. But he also loves to try to stack the tins… although usually his efforts result in much clanging as the stack falls to the floor.

But lately, he has figured out if he will put the largest tin on bottom, then the smallest one next, and then the middle-sized one on top, they stay in place and he can pick the stack up and move it from one place to another. It’s really rewarding to see him develop – even in such a small way. His thought processes have progressed to a stage where he can reason out this little dilemma and come up with a viable solution.

Imagine how we must seem to God. Think of our faith in the context of a baby who grows and progresses in development. In the “toddler” stage, we begin to figure out how to use the gifts God has given us to handle difficult situations… to call on Him to give us wisdom and discernment to navigate challenges and problems. As we grow and mature, we learn even more about how God operates within us… how the Holy Spirit moves to guide us through every minute of the day. This must give Him such delight to see us grow and discover how He works.

None of us “knows it all” the day we become a Christian. None of us ever has all of the wisdom and potential that God wishes for us… we are all forever works in progress. We all began as babies… and we are hopefully growing and developing in our walk with Christ and our abilities to serve Him well. Just like children, some of us will progress more quickly than others… while some of us will be “slow learners.”

The key to this passage is our understanding that we must approach God with the innocence of a child… the wonder and awe at even the simplest things, like three nested tin cans! We must not come with a “know-it-all attitude” that we don’t need guidance… or that our salvation makes us better than anyone else. We must come to Jesus with humility, a hunger for knowledge, and the childlike enthusiasm for all He wishes to share with us.

For some of us, this means we need to make a change. Maybe we tried to “skip ahead” and be more than we were capable of too soon. Perhaps we need to humble ourselves and say, “Lord, I don’t know nearly as much as I thought I did… but I’m willing to listen and learn.” Maybe we need to rekindle our excitement and enthusiasm… our wonder and awe… for the amazing life we have in Christ. Maybe we need to reacquaint ourselves with the Holy Spirit. Whatever we need to do… the time for change is now. The day to start is this one. Are you ready to become like a kid again?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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