Daily Devotional for January 8, 2011

Ecclesiastes 1:4
People come, and people go, but still the world never changes.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When I was a little girl, I had a small circle of close friends. I was friendly with other kids in my class and at church, but four girls – Becky, Carla, Martha and Robin – were especially dear. I didn’t have bridesmaids when we married, so these girls served cake and punch at our wedding. After high school, we did a fairly good job of staying in touch for several years… often getting together for brunch during Christmas break. But over time, we got together less often. We all married and moved in different directions… and as husbands and babies came along and lives got busy, we grew apart in some ways.

But the bond never left. We all grieved when breast cancer took Becky from us a few years ago… and when Robin’s daughter was tragically killed in a car wreck. We supported Carla through the illnesses and subsequent deaths of her parents. We celebrated the accomplishments of each other’s children along the way … and the birth of Becky’s grand-daughter and namesake.

On Christmas Eve, my friend Carla dropped in at our house to purchase a copy of a book my mother has written. We quickly snapped a couple of photos, not knowing when we will see each other again. I keep up with Robin on Facebook… and Martha sent a Christmas card with a photo of her two teenage sons. We don’t see each other very often any more, but I still feel a bond with these women. I have witnessed the ebb and flow of similar relationships between my mother and some of her childhood friends… and the underlying bond that remains.

We tend to romanticize the friendships of our childhood. We fondly remember long days spent playing together or working on a class project. We build up the conflicts and clashes, and they become epic events that forever shape our personalities. As we mature, we come to recognize that friends come and go in our lives. Some of my closest friends now are childhood friends with whom I lost touch for a number of years and have reconnected. Other people with whom I developed friendships as an adult have, for the moment, gone in different directions, and we seldom – if ever – communicate.

The thing is… we often treat our relationship with God like a friendship. And while Jesus is our “Forever Friend,” as we tell our children, the relationship we have with God and His Holy Spirit should not change. There should be no periods of distance… no need for reconnection. We should work hard to keep in constant touch with God, regardless of our circumstances… because I assure you, HE has not gone anywhere! Nothing has changed on God’s end… but we allow the things of this world to get in the way and affect our relationship.

If you need to reconnect with God today, I urge you to make this change. Rekindle your relationship with Him… rebuild your friendship… and NEVER, EVER move away again. People come and people go, but GOD is always there. The question is… where are YOU?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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