Daily Devotional for January 14, 2011

Matthew 21:32
When John the Baptist showed you how to do right, you would not believe him. But these evil people did believe. And even when you saw what they did, you still would not change your minds and believe.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Do you know someone who cannot keep a promise? This person tells you over and over, “I’ll be there,” or “I’ll do it!” and the whole time they are talking, you know in your heart this will never happen. It’s not that the person is evil… and maybe their intentions were good… but the level of commitment is just not there.

In this passage, Jesus has told a parable about two men who have vineyards, and their father tells them to go out and work them. The first son says, “No way!” But later he changes his mind and works his vineyard. The second son says, “Sure, Dad… I’ll do this.” But his vineyard work is never done. Jesus says that those who live sinfully but repent and change their ways are ahead of “Christians” who say one thing and do another.

In other words, there are a lot of people who “play Christian.” They say they have given their heart to Jesus. And maybe they have. A lot of people seem to give their heart to Jesus in exchange for salvation… but they fail to remember the part about promising to serve Him and be His disciple on this earth! It’s much the same as saying, “I’ll be there…” and not showing up when the time arrives.

If you miss a class, your instructor may allow you to make up the work. The school district factors in a couple or three “snow days” that can be used for bad weather without having to make up extra time at the end of the school year or during spring break. And I think a lot of Christians look at their faith walk as having “snow days” built in… time where they don’t really have to do “show up” for Jesus. But this is risky business!

Our God is loving, forgiving, full of grace and mercy… but He also holds us accountable. Someday, He will ask… where were you? Did you really mean it when you said you would follow Me and serve Me? When did you plan to be My disciple and share the Good News with others? When did you plan to make good on your promises?

If this describes you in any way, shape, or form… today is the day to make a change. Today is the day to be the son who actually works his vineyard… the person who does what he/she says will be done. Don’t give God lip service… don’t disrespect Him like that! Show God your must humble, sincere, honest committed heart… change your mind, believe, and be the real deal for Him – now and always.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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