Daily Devotional for January 31, 2011

Matthew 6:19-21
Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them. Your heart will always be where your treasure is.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We have begun sorting my grandmother’s clothes in preparation for her move to an assisted living facility… hopefully within the next week or so. My grandmother’s house is very small… but like most people, she has made very good use of her space! I remarked after paring down the clothing in three closets to one that “Mam-ma has more clothes than I have… and I have too many!” The interesting thing was how many of these items of clothing I have never seen her wear. She has beautiful suits… nice matching outfits that have a jacket, pants and a blouse… probably a dozen coats… and much more.

Several items of clothing looked as if they had never been worn… and truly, they might have been worn two or three times. Again, like many of us, my grandmother wears a few items of clothing over and over again. She has “good clothes” and “everyday clothes”… “work clothes” and “clothes I wear to the beauty shop” (clothing that can get wet or survive a hair product spill). She has her “regular pajamas,” and her pajamas she keeps tucked away in a drawer… “in case I have to go to the hospital.”

As we sorted, she mumbled to me that she hated to wear such nice things at the assisted living facility. I laughed and said, somewhat sarcastically, “Are you afraid you will be putting on airs or something?” She retorted, “Well, yes!” I assured her she would be just fine, and now was the time to be wearing her nicer things. As my cousin put it later… “This is her time to shine!”

For the record, my grandmother is not a materialistic person. Many of the beautiful clothing pieces she has were given to her as Christmas and birthday gifts or as a treat from some cousins who visit and always take her shopping. She is one of the most frugal… and generous… people I know. But we all know people who spend hours and days and weeks searching for just the right outfit… those who have to have the newest sneakers or the latest gadget. We know people who get on a waiting list for the next best electronic or computerized thing to come down the pike… tossing aside what they already own like yesterday’s garbage.

The more I go to estate auctions and sales… and yes, sort through my grandmother’s belongings… the more I am struck by how “it’s all just stuff.” Remember, everything my grandmother owned burned to the ground in 1981. She has accumulated everything she now has in the last thirty years. Think of those who have been amassing “stuff” for a lifetime that spans a half dozen decades or more! Hopefully, they are like my grandmother and realize that all of it can vaporize in a matter of minutes. Hopefully, we are learning that what matters is accumulating blessings, time spent serving God, good friends, loving our family and those around us, and truly building a reserve of “Disciple moments”.

There is nothing wrong with having nice things. There is no shame in dressing well or enjoying the latest computer gadget. But when we put these things ahead of our work for the Kingdom of God… when we value tangible things more than relationships with Him and His children…we’re in serious trouble. What we value really does speak about our heart. What do you value? Where is your heart? Are you packing away “stuff” in your closets and drawers for a “special occasion?” Or are you “wearing your good clothes” today as you serve God with your very best?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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