Daily Devotional for January 25, 2011

Matthew 10:21-23
When people realize it is the living God you are presenting and not some idol that makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family. There is a great irony here: proclaiming so much love, experiencing so much hate! But don't quit. Don't cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. It is not success you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! Before you've run out of options, the Son of Man will have arrived.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In the book of Genesis, the story is told of Joseph being left for dead in an abandoned well. Years later the brothers find themselves in great need… and their families in danger of starving. They travel to Egypt, where they meet a man who gives them food. They do not recognize their long-lost brother, Joseph, and when he reveals his identity, they are nearly scared to death! They figure Joseph is going to enact some sort of revenge on them for their dastardly deeds.

But Joseph tells his brothers that they need not fear. He explains that he feels God orchestrated all of this for a greater good… namely so that he would be in a position to offer the families food throughout a five-year famine. What these men intended for evil, God used for the greater good. The beauty is that Joseph recognized God – and His hand in all of this.

So often, we feel we are “victims of circumstances” – and we may quite literally feel the wrath of our family members and friends… particularly if they do not agree with our stance. It’s tough to stand up for our faith sometimes. It’s hard to tell your parents that their comments around the dinner table about someone of another race or lifestyle are unkind and ungodly. Choosing to help someone in need when your spouse is telling you not to spend the money can be difficult. Helping family members or friends who are in dire straits when everyone around you says, “You’re wasting your time, energy… and money,” takes guts.

Standing up and saying, “I’m not going to that party… and I wish you wouldn’t go, either,” may make you the butt of ridicule and jokes, but you still may have no business caving in and going to the party. Taking a friend’s keys and telling him/her, “You will not drive after you’ve been drinking” may take a lot of nerve, but it’s the right call. Choosing to foster children in your home because God led you to this decision… even when people are questioning your sanity… will lead to honor and blessings in the end. I think you get my point.

God never called us to an easy life… although when we rest in Him and let Him have our burdens, the load does lighten. Many times, choosing to follow the lead of our Heavenly Father will seem to “cost us” in this earthly realm. And often, the very people who claim to be followers of Jesus are the ones who hate and spew the most anger and venom. This is not because they don’t love you… or even that they don’t approve of what you are doing. Often it is because these people fear choosing for themselves what you have discovered to be true life in Christ!

I have often been amazed at how people who claim to love God and desire an abiding relationship with Him can be so negative, angry, bigoted, unkind, jealous, and narrow-minded. While I don’t mean to judge, I’ve about decided many of them either caved in to the pressure from others… or what they believe they have with God is far more superficial than they realize.

Don’t let this happen to you. Be a survivor. “Stand up, stand up for Jesus,” as the hymn says. Listen to God and follow His lead. Rest in his arms and the comfort of knowing you are honoring Him with your choices. Figure out where you need to become more like Him, and make the necessary changes. Remember Joseph… remember how God turned his situation around. Be assured that God is on your side, as well. Keep your faith, and remember that serving well will all be worth it in the end.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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